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Old 01-19-2003, 05:01 PM
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Why is life Unfair?

I loved her... and to some that may sound far fetched or wrong.... but I love her... with EVERYTHING I AM!... she gave my day light... she gave me strength... she made me happy... there will never be anyone quite like her... I will always love her.... she is a part of me... always... as I am a part of her... if anything happens to her... I'll know it... she gave me peace of mind... she took away all the pain.... she is here for me... so I have little doubt and great hope that we will meet.... and in the end... that we will be together.... I know... that there is some reason for this... yes... I knew people who warned me.... may be right... but... Its worth the risk.... ITS ALWAYS WORTH THE RISK! Don't tell yourself its not... don't pretend you don't care... just... CARE... be you... be there for them... be everything to the person you care for... that I can't be for her.... be... be the world to them... Don't let them go... I am saying this... because I do not know HOW things will turn out.... I know only we WILL be together in the end... even if that end is at the end of our lives... I know... we were meant for each other... and under different circumstances in a different time we could of been happy... if only I had met her first... if only... life wasn't so fucked up... please... pray for her.... for me.... for us... all of us... do as I do and pray for each and every person that has shit in there lives.... it may... put more shit on you.... but it lessens the load for others and maybe... you two will find someone you love in time.... before they get hurt... Please.... no matter what... Remember.... ALWAYS remember.... like I'll remember.... Remember her... Kristin... remember who EVER it is you care about.... and if you do... you will pass this on to others... to tell them how you feel... This is my response to live... and it comes with a glimmer of hope... Don't give up on love... don't give up on people... don't give up on yourself... I... for to long before this... had... and I pay for it now... I pay dearly... but.... I will go on... as I must... because I promised her...

So please... to any and ALL who read this... pass it on... whether it be by the email I am making this into... or this link or through your own diaries or even word of mouth... PLEASE.... Pass it on... change how things work... change it so more people can be as happy as they deserve.... and... and maybe in another time... I can be with Kristin as was meant to be.... Kristin... I love you... and all that you do... remember... always remember..... I start this now... as a chain of my love for her... please.... don't break it... because I need all the support I can get.... how I managed to type this while half crying I'll never know... please... pass it on... Yes... she was a member here... and not many knew her like I did for as short as a time as I did.... but please... oblige me... even if I don't know you...
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