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Old 12-19-2012, 03:18 PM
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TechnoGuy TechnoGuy is offline
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Learn to orgasm instead of just ejac?

I can't believe that I've waited so long to look into this but I started to do some research.

It seems that there some guys out there who play with themselves too much, and learned to ejaculate without the pleasure of an orgasm. I've theorized that this applied to me for a few *years* now, but I thought - maybe its just me. I've only had a few real orgasms before, and if you don't know what you're missing out on then how do you know?

So ... does anyone know anything about this and/or have any advice?

A bit of background, that might just be interesting for its anecdotal nature. I first started jacking it when I was 11 and learned from "There's something About Mary" that a good way to relieve stress is the five-nuckle-shuffle (jack'n it).

Even worse, sometimes I'll just ejac without any control over it -its like sex sex, blow the load, yup lame!
Love to love.
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