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Old 10-14-2011, 09:15 AM
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BamaKyttn BamaKyttn is offline
Starry-eyed Pixie
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A reasonable amount can be defined by what is physically comfortable for either party. Is it possible that your partner has underlying issues that he doesn't wish to disclose?

As LordSnow said when we were together we only had one weekend every other week to enjoy one anothers company and bodies. I was insatiable. I was also recovering for a relationship in which I was miserable and he caught the hell for it. I think I broke him. It's unusual for a man of his age to decline sex for cuddling (probably because he was afraid I would ride his iron rod into a needle with the constant attention!). I really do regret that I made his first experience so..... grueling. It wasn't fair to him. But I also understood that he wasn't accustomed to that level of intimacy nor was he ready for what I wanted which led him to build walls and may have decreased his willingness to have sex. ( This is speculation on my part)

Marlboro has SEVERE arthritis in many of the important joints due to rough living over his few years. He also has some of the same issues as I in that shoulders and hips tend to dislocate easier than they should as in our separate youths we strove for better flexibility in our chosen athletic pursuits. There are times when the pain in his hands, jaw, knees, hips, ankles, or back is just to much for his will to overcome. We both prefer external remedies to medicinal, I don't do well with pills and used to have the tendency to over indulge in even over the counter pills. There are some nights that the bedroom smells like aspercream and icy-hot..... not really sexy. Once I understood that the spirit was willing but the body was not cooperating I also realized that I was being selfish thinking that it had to be me. ( this is my own situation not insinuating anything about yours darlin!)

Yes there are many nights that I spend rubbing calcified muscle knots in his shoulders legs and back. Many mornings that I come in from nightshift to scratch his back and head while I fall asleep. I am now secure and content knowing that when we do have sex it is because he loves me and desires me enough to overcome more pain than I can even imagine. I cannot ask for anything more

Many things can hurt the sex drive. Pain, stress, fear.... Our guys are always thinking trying to decide how best to be our knights in shining armor. Even when they deny it.... especially when they deny it. I was always a lousy damsel in a dress. Ask LordSnow.

I want a cookie....... but I guess I'll go have some fruit instead.

-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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