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Old 11-13-2009, 07:37 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Originally Posted by imaginewithme
You're definatley one of a kind. Thank you for thinking of us, it was definately a very rough ~and scary~few months and like I said, your prayers worked so know that all of ours, for you, will work too! I still have the blanket Mrs. DB made for my daughter when she was born and all the cards you send.

Thank you for being such a wonderfully, caring friend!

I'd like to echo those sentiments, IWM. My last treatment was September 23rd, but the after-effects continued to worsen for 2-3 weeks subsequent to that. The good wishes, cards and St. Peregrine medallion DB and Mrs DB sent me all helped me stay strong, and I'm sure the prayers were at least equally effective!

Now I'm almost back to (what passes for!!) normal, though I still tire fairly easily. e.g., I went into work yesterday to arrange a "phased return" early next year..... slept through to after 11 this morning, and can't talk now either!! (Relief to Herself, I'm sure!!)

DB - congrats on reaching treatment's end.. and enjoy Thanksgiving when it comes!!

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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