Thread: Poly talk
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Old 10-14-2009, 10:12 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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Originally Posted by citrus
Polyamory is real when EVERY person involved is aware of and consenting/approving of the participation of all of the others engaging in the situation. The involved are all actively engaging one another simultaneously and/or concurrently. There is full knowledge of the participation and activities of every other member in the poly engaging participants. Total disclosure is always being communicated. It's completely wide open eyes awareness of each others lovemaking and lives together.
There is not necessarily participation of every individual with every other individual. Nor are all present whenever lovemaking is in progress. The individuals involved are fully complicit in the associative workings in the loving, whether present or not.

Hey, what works for you is what works for you, and I'm not gonna gainsay it. No way, nohow, not then, not now. But don't define my poly relationships for me, pelase.
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