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Old 09-08-2009, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by AZRedHot
I'm annoyed that one of the ads in the Sunday paper described the guitar that comes with the new Beatles Rock Band game as a Rickenbacker 325, when it clearly was a faux guitar meant to look like the Hoffner bass (which makes no sense anyway, but that's another rant) and didn't look anything like a Rick 325. That tiny bit of research shouldn't have been that hard to do, right????

Doesn't bode well for how realistic the game will be, does it? Heard this a.m that "Back In the U.S.S.R" shows all 4 Beatles in their usual roles, while most any true Beatle fan knows that Ringo had quit the band during that recording, Paul was on the drums, & George was plucking away at a Fender Bass much for virtual reality.
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