Thread: Aion
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Old 08-02-2009, 10:15 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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Originally Posted by Lord Snow
but it's still a class without a class name to it.

How so? I don't see that at all. Then again, the problem here is that we may be using the word "class", in the gaming sense, in different ways.

What I see as a class is a pre-determined role that includes certain abilities, and excludes others. The original D & D (I mean, the original, the 1973 table-top game: yes, I actually have a copy, and have played the early-to-mid '70s) was a thoroughly class-based system in this sense. If one was a magic-user in this system, one could attempt to learn and develop acertain range of spells: other were excluded, and the justification within the game was that study of magical skills precluded study of the use of the vast majority of hand-held weaponry.

OTOH, a skills-based system, as I use the term, is more like GURPS developed by Steve Jackson originally: essentially, "here are the skills: they are related to various inborn abilitiies: they are such-and-such patterns to learn: they are available in the game according to the design of the gamemaster: have at them". In other words, certain skills are included or excluded from a character as a logical result of that characters background, and future play of the character, not as an essentially arbitrary pre-conceived idea of what a given class should be.
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