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Old 11-27-2002, 01:58 AM
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Wombat Wombat is offline
Muff Diver extrodinare
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: South Australia
Posts: 113
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The worst (and most expensive) breakup for me was when ,after her picking me for a fight on and off for a couple of weeks which I wouldn't rise to ,we were at a speedway meeting and getting drunk when she started going off because I said hello to a previous g/f in passing .Then I was standing too close to the previous g/f then it was anything she could come up with .It got so bad we had to leave .When we got home she started in again so I took my bottle of scotch and took off round to a mates place to get some space.She calls the mates place 3 times saying if I don't get home she'll trash the house all the while my mate saying I wasn't there.On the third call she says she's trashed the place so an hour later once I'd sobered up enough to drive I go home and sure enough the place is devestated ; smashed electrical gear ,destroyed bar and holes in the wall where the bars mirror tiles used to be (she used a standard lamp on them till it broke then she used an upright vacume cleaner),glass, books ,splintered wood all over the place etc. and in the kitchen the contents of the fridge are all over the floor and cupboard doors hanging from broken hinges etc.
I walk in and she's laying on the lounge with a smug "so there" sort of look on her face and depite what you might expect ,I didn't beat the crap out of her ,I just calmly told her to pack her shit and leave while she could still walk. She refused and once I had bodily tossed her out the front door she went off again kicking at the front door and calling me all sorts of names so I opened the door and told her she wasn't getting back in so out of frustration and spite she put her fist through the bedroom window next to the door .I'd had enough by now so I calmly and gently took her head in my hands, looked longingliy into her eyes ........... then grabbed her ears and headbutted her for all I was worth,at which time she finally shut the fuck up and went away.Turns out I had split her head open and she needed 10 stitches to close the wound.
I'm not proud of that moment but she's lucky I didn't put her in hospital for a long stay after what she put me through.
Never before or since have I raised my hand in anger at a female (unless you count my bitch sister but that's a different story, haha) , nor would I .................................................. ................unless severely provoked again.
The Wombat : eats roots and leaves.

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