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Old 10-09-2008, 04:51 AM
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Call me FWM :)
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A plea to Zeppelin fans

Feels strange to be asking this, but right at the same time, I hope it's not inappropriate to post this.

I found out yesterday that a guy I used to hang out with nearly 20 years ago died four months ago. We lost touch many years ago as our circle of friends split and we all went our separate ways, but it came as a shock all the same. He would have been no more than 38 years old.

He was a huge, and I mean HUGE fan of Led Zeppelin, and he was an excellent drummer.

I know there are a number of Pixies who are Zeppelin fans, and I wondered if you would please indulge me, and play a song for my deceased friend today, or when you read this? Doesn't feel like much more I can do but I think he'd think this was cool.

For M... we usually met up as a crowd but there was one particular time I'll always remember, when we ended up sitting alone on the floor in the back yard of the pub for hours, drinking beer and putting the world to rights. I'll never forget that my friend, you were there for me when nobody else was.

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