Thread: Sad songs
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:46 AM
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Sad songs

I was perusing another adult, but non-sexual forum a few minutes ago, & found a thread I wanted to post to. When I found that a permanent membership to that forum would cost me $$$ (after a month free), I said fuckit, I'll just start my own here...all of which is just my long-winded roundabout way of saying I stole this from another forum (shhh, don't tell the net police).

The question is, what songs strike you as so sad as to make you weep or choke up by the final chorus? May I add, embarrassingly sad, no matter if the song be hokey or sappy to everybody else, but you're sitting there thinking, don't make me cry here in front of God & everybody...

My weepy sad song is Long Long Time by (a very young) Linda Ronstadt, her first solo release, I, before she gets thru the first verse I'm swallowing hard, & about midway thru I look like allergy eyes. Yeh, I know, pretty sappy, wanna step outside & talk it over on the pavement?

So what's your embarrassingly sad song?
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