Thread: Twenty Years
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Old 05-23-2008, 04:09 PM
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Twenty Year-Part 3

She stood over him and told him to get up; he complained that he couldn’t because she had worn him out. So she started to get dressed, to which he protested. She asked him why, he was done and there was nothing left for her. She grabbed her equipment and headed out of the mechanical room door, slamming the door behind her. He had repeatedly begged her for more but after his first performance she found she was no longer interested. So for now, at that time, her dream kept her afloat. His face was all she saw.
Now years later, here she was, cutting up veggies for dinner. Damn, this is what her life had come too, no love, no sex, no intimacy, nothing. Hell, she didn’t even feel sexy anymore. She finished up dinner and called everyone to eat. She left them there shoveling food in their mouths, not once hearing a thank you from any of them. Alone she went to her walk in closet and pulled down a box. In it were pictures of her and him, sitting around goofing off. There was even a picture of her giving him a liplock. God how she wished that had went somewhere, but now… she new where he was. Was she willing to risk everything for one night with him? Was she willing to let go and just be the woman she knew she was? Hell yes!
The phone was ringing on the other end; nervously she paced her office waiting for him to answer. Hello, he said. Hi, it’s me. O My God! I can’t believe it, I was just thinking about you the other day, how are you? And so our conversations rocked on as to the how are you’s & other bullshit and I promise to keep in touch. Daily emails followed after than, to which they became more and more personal in our feelings. She told him straight up that she wanted to have sex, no emotional binds at all. She told him she missed his friendship through the years. He told her that he loved his wife and premeditated sex was something he wasn’t comfortable with. She could handle that and she understood. So they agreed on meeting up for dinner. Since she hadn’t been to his hometown in a while he said he know of some nice places to go. Without either of them knowing it, the wheel had just been put into motion.
They meet a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. They ate and drank for hours, when it was time to leave he walked her to her car. She stopped and turned to tell him goodbye and was met with his broad chest. She looked up into those dark eyes, gently she brushed her lips against his. He grabbed her by the arms and drew her in for a deeper kiss, tongue and all. It was exactly how she knew it would be. Suddenly he release and stepped back. She felt bruised. He said he had to go. Wait, she said. He’s the name and number to my hotel if you want to talk. She shoved the card in his hand and got in her car. Numbly she drove back to her hotel. Twenty years and she was still nowhere.

Back at her hotel she shrugged off her light trench coat that had been hiding her dessert. He had offered dinner but she was offering dessert and he had declined. There was a knock at her door as she pulled the last pin from her hair and it fell to her waist. She looked through the key hole and there he was. What do you want, she asked. I need to talk to you, please open up, he said. So slowly she opened the door to let him in. His face fell when he took her in.
There she stood in her black satin corset, tiny black lace panties and a black garter with black stockings. She had already taken off her ass-jackers so she was normal height to his huge frame. Her hair fell around her in a golden halo. She may have been twenty years older than the last time he saw her but she was still in shape, only now the shape was womanly and not teen-agish. She stood there for a moment to let him take her all in then turned to grab her robe. Before she could pull it up to her shoulder she felt his hand stopping her. Please don’t, he said. Why not, you love your wife, she said. Yes, that maybe true but, he could finish what he was going to say. Self gratification, I said. No self gratification is something you do with your hands, he said. Fine, let’s just say I’m fulfilling a fantasy then. He didn’t say anything; he just picked her up and carried her to the bed. At that moment she wanted to know what he was thinking but she was afraid that voice would break the moment.
Slowly he slipped free her stocking from the garter. Using his teeth he pulled the stocking down her leg. When he got to her foot he sucked on her big toe. He started to climb over her and he reached for the other garter again he used his teeth and mouth. He made his was back up her legs kissing and licking as he went.
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