Thread: Please Help
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Old 11-11-2002, 01:24 PM
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Unhappy Please Help

As most of you know my husband has not yet moved out to Missouri and is still living back in Michigan. I just finished speaking with him on the phone and he gave me some very bad news. It seems that on his way back from visiting a friend of ours he stopped to help a 40-ish woman who had run out of gas. She was getting a gas can out of her trunk when he stopped to ask if she needed a ride to a gas station. She accepted the ride and when they got to the gas station, trying to be a "gentleman" he got out to pump the gas into her gas can for her. BIG MISTAKE!! He no sooner got out of the truck (the one we just bought in September) when she drove off with it!!! There was a pkg. in it he had planned to mail to me that contained my jewelry box.....all my stuff is in it!! Nothing of any great monetary value, but too much stuff to want to spend the money to try to replace it all. We didn't have theft coverace because we couldn't afford the extra expense. He reported the theft immediately since he had his cell phone on him. So far the police have not located the truck or the woman that stole it.
I would like to ask those of you who believe in prayer to please pray that they find it and that it's not been totally stripped down and ruined. Otherwise please send out positive thoughts/vibes/energy or whatever.
Thank you all for whatever way you're able to "help". We really do need it.
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