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Old 10-17-2002, 02:49 PM
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Wildeye Wildeye is offline
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Posts: 484

I'm not sure if you can improve your witty, sexy ideas - love to play with you.

On a kinda serious note - play its something we adults do not do enough of, except here, I love playing games with the kids you know football, tag, silly stuff but you can only really do it with kids grown ups/adults often think that games are silly or chasing around a castle at midnifght somewhat childish.. yes I used to play in castles at midnight and as a student (at age 28 we would often play hide and seek, sardines, water fights etc it really helped to relax and just let the adult stuff drop.

I love paying with my spouse, tickling, chasing in the garden - a great expewrience was chasing each other nude outdoors and an ex B/F loved wrestling, chasing and rolling about.

ohh well enoufgh

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