Thread: Nursing and sex
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Old 12-10-2006, 08:47 PM
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Nursing and sex

This little rant has been triggered by seeing the 'Nurses and food fantasies' thread. So if this is a total mood/fantasy killer, blame treeview

Though I understand the allure to the concept of sex-nurses, I have to say, for nurses, there's little more of a turn off, and not just because it's often associated with sexism.

I'm a nursing student. I've been in clinicals, in which I helped several patients, of both sexes. This included bathing and the like.

Sex is the last thing on our, ever. I loved doing it; it felt like I was helping people and making a difference, helping my patients become comfortable and ease their pain, and keep them from deteriorating into further health problems. But's nasty. REALLY nasty. The whole job is one big unpleasant mess.

And beyond the mess, sex would never, EVER be practical. Nurses are so freaking heavily drilled on how to keep sanitary and practically sterile at any given time (we do sterile proceedures but we ALWAYS observe clean technique, no matter what), you start having nightmares about what kind of horrid, fatal infections you'll get if you don't wash your hands at least five times between tasks. It's a total OCD profession.

Which is why I find shows like Grays anatomy and several others to be plain stupid. Okay, I realize that it's a fantasy, I realize it's a program that's just for fun. Yeah, I know I know. But dude. Hospitals are NOT the place to be getting your freakon, and nursing (the act, not the people, mind you) is NOT sexy.

It''s...just gross, okay? Ick, nosicomial infections! *shudders*

I'm totally in the wrong profession
Most things worth saying, shouldn't be.

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