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Old 06-24-2006, 07:38 AM
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Wicked Wanda Wicked Wanda is offline
Gone with the Wind
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Lou and babies

Listen to Lil, please. I know a lot about the book stuff, but haven't ever given birth (gulp) and experience is the best teacher.

My two pennies?

There are some stretching exercises that will help avoid tearing. The best source (aside from the hippie books) are yoga books. Find one that is a good BEGINNER'S book on yoga and pregnancy.
I have seen lit that says regular exercise coupled with massaging the perineum with good oils in the months before birth will help prevent tearing or the need for cutting. (I bet having hubby do the massage will help too. Uhhh with the "bonding" part, I mean *blush* No really, honest.)
Also, WATCH your diet. If you and the baby gain too much weight before birth... well big baby, big head, more chance of tearing. The doctor or middy should keep you on track.

Finally, EXERCISE: The more physically fit and active a woman is the fewer complications, and the faster she heals after.

Follow your caregiver's advice on this She/he knows you best, and should be the best source.

KISSES for Lil and Lou.

(I never get to Nurse for those I really want to)

"I wondered, am I a lesbian, am I straight, or bisexual? Then I realized that I am just a slut.
So where's MY parade?"

---Margaret Cho
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