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Old 09-18-2002, 04:57 PM
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Miltone Miltone is offline
Pixie's Hopeless Romantic
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Motown
Posts: 138
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"Just being a good guy," I said. "It's not like something's going to happen with the whole lot of you around. It's probably safer that way anyhow."

"You never know what can happen when we start cutting loose."

"Well, I appreciate your concern, but everything's on the up-and-up."

"If you insist, but just be careful. Lauren's a nice kid. I wouldn't want to see her get hurt."

I nodded my head and Suzy settled back onto her lounge chair, tucking her red ponytail back behind her back. I got up and walked back to the railing and leaned against it, taking another swig of Heineken. Man, this is the life, I thought.

"Hey girls!" Suzy shouted looking off to the side. "Here comes a freighter. I told you about the drill!"

A great lakes freighter was heading back up north. I could see a couple of deck hands waving up near the bridge. Suzy and Lauren jumped up and ran over to the railing, pulled their tops off, and waved them high in the air toward the freighter. I could see the glint of sunlight on the lenses of what must have been binoculars that the sailors were holding.

"Come on you guys," Lauren called to the others.

Cindy shrugged and reached back to unclip her top before moving to the railing to join the others. Gretchen joined them but simply pulled her suit to the sides. That left just Beth as the holdout, who crossed her arms over her large boobs, well contained in the top of her modest suit.

"Come on, Bethany!" Gretchen shouted in an excited voice. "If I did it you can too."

"Oh, what the hell," Beth said as she hopped up from her seat, pulled her top off over her head and let her full pale breasts tumble out into the sunshine. She had a truly outstanding rack, with large firm breasts that must have been double d cups at least.

"So what about me?" I called out. "Do I have to moon them or something?"

"Hell no," Suzy cried out. "The last thing they want to see is your pasty white butt!"

The freighter gave off a series of whistles and I could hear the cheers of the sailors as they passed by many yards away. The girls giggled together as the freighter passed by and they returned to their lounge seats. The remarkable thing was that none of them put their tops back on, although Gretchen tucked her tits into her suit for a moment before realizing that the others were topless. She then just pulled the straps covering her tits to the sides. Even Beth became more used to the idea and let her large boobs sway in the open air. It took me a few minutes to get used to the sight of these five lovely half naked ladies sunning themselves and let my hard on subside.

Chapter 3

After another glass of wine was poured, they began to turn over to get some sun on their backsides. Not surprisingly, Lauren was the first one to ask me over to spread some protection on her back. I sat at her side and slowly spread the SPF over her supple back from neck down to ankles. I made sure that my hands worked on her shoulders like a massage so that she was so relaxed that she didn't notice the extra time I spent covering her firm little ass. I chuckled to myself when I took the measure of the space between her legs: it was three fingers wide. When I finished with Lauren, the others began asking for the same treatment.

"Make sure you get everything," remarked Suzy as she pulled the back of her suit bottom up the crack of her round well-tanned butt.

Then came Gretchen who pulled the straps of her wild suit off from her shoulders to give me a clear shot. I took some extra time on her since she was so pale and had such creamy smooth skin that needed protection. Cindy was next in line and asked for an extra massage on her right leg that she claimed had a pulled muscle. In doing so, she parted her slender legs so far apart that I could easily get a good glimpse of her young womanhood as the thin material of her suit pulled taut against the lips of her pussy. That left Bethany who seemed nervous and reluctant at first, but who warmed up as I began to do my thing to her backside. Although she had a fuller figure than the others, it wasn't like she was fat. She was just tall and broad shouldered, yet very feminine, with lovely ample curves. Her full pale breasts mushroomed out to the side as she lay on her belly and I tried to make sure they were protected.

"Get this, girls," she said in her husky voice. "I think he's trying to cop a feel."

"Well, not like you get all that much action," Cindy remarked.

"At least I'm not a slut," Beth replied.

"At least I'm not a virgin," Cindy retorted.

The other girls purred from the catty comments.

"Well, I think it's time for me to get another beer," I said standing up and surveying my work by checking out the glistening young bodies arrayed about the sundeck.

I took my time getting another beer. I noticed that Mike and Tim were sitting in the dining room checking out the scene, so I though I'd join them for a few minutes.

"So what's your deal, Johnny?" asked Mike quite frankly. "How'd you get in with them hot babes?"

"No deal, man," I replied taking a long sip. "I'm Lauren's neighbor. They needed a ride and asked me along. Here I am. What can I say?"

"We figured you were gay, you know, just one of the girls," Tim cracked.

"Nah, just the average friendly old fart from across the street," I said chuckling at their assumption.

After shooting the breeze for a few minutes I excused myself outside to enjoy the sun.

"He's probably got some more ass to kiss," said Tim with a snort.

"Yeah, but what fine asses," Mike said.

"He'll never do it," I heard Beth say as I came back outside.

"Do what?" I replied.

"Take your suit off," giggled Cindy propping herself up on her elbows so that her tits jiggled in the shadow under her.

"Why should I?"

"Well, here we are with our titties hanging out, and we all know that you're checking us out," Lauren answered. "It's only fair that you show a little skin too, don't you think?"

"But there's only one of me and five of you," I protested.

"So does that mean we have to gang up on you?" Suzy said.

"No, no." I said reluctantly. "I can take a hint. But only in the interest of maintaining social balance here."

Just the thought of exposing myself in front of these half-naked young women began to have an effect on me. As I stood there, I pulled at the drawstring on my swim trunks and pulled them down exposing a bit of pale skin on my lower belly. I took a sip of my beer and set it down on the table by Lauren. The girls began a rhythmic clapping urging me on in anticipation of what was to come. I slowly began to ease my suit down until suddenly my cock popped out. Then I shoved the suit down and stood in front of the girls as naked as a jaybird. The girls applauded.

"Whoo, hoo!" shouted Suzy.

The others cat called as well.

"I didn't think he'd do it," Beth remarked with a giggle.

"I think he's enjoying this a little too much," remarked Lauren.

"Don't use up all the sunscreen protecting that big old thing," said Suzy, pulling her sunglasses down her nose to get a better look at my half-staff penis.

"You had better use something on that," Lauren said handing me her SPF 30. "I don't think you or wifey would want you to get a sunburn on it."

"Not that she would care or even notice," I replied taking the tube and uncapping it. "But I sure as hell would."

"I want to watch," said Cindy as she sat up to watch me while I took a seat in the vacant lounge chair that just happened to be next to Lauren.

"Hey, this is private," I said trying to turn away as I spread the sunblock on my belly and hips.

"Oh, does our big boy need some help?" said Lauren, reaching over to grab at the tube of goo. "Here, let me help."

"You'd really like that, wouldn't you?" I remarked.

"Well, duh," she replied.

"Okay, Miss Smarty Pants," I said. "Have at it!"

I held my legs apart so that all of the girls could see my genitals fully exposed to the sun. It was a strange feeling to be sitting here showing myself off to them. It was something I never would have thought I'd be doing. Lauren sat up and turned to face me. She squeezed an ample amount of the white cream into her palm and rubbed her hands together. It felt as if her hands were shaking as she took my cock in hand and began to slowly work the protective lotion onto the pale skin waiting for her. I heard Beth and Gretchen giggle.

"Now I know he is really enjoying this too much," cracked Cindy as she and the others gathered around to watch as Lauren stroked the lotion onto my semi-erect penis and down onto my balls.

"More lotion quick," Lauren called out.

Suzy grabbed the tube and squeezed a large blob out directly onto my cock. Beth giggled nervously. Lauren let her hands wander a bit over my hips and belly to help spread the lotion but returned to stroke my cock a couple of times very long and slow and gently.

"Okay, now she's the one enjoying herself too much," I said, finally as I felt things begin to slip a bit too far along. "Besides, you know what this means?"

"What?" Lauren said, wiping the residue from her hands on her pert little tits.

"I get to do you!"

"No way. Un-uhh!" she said pulling back from me.

"Come on Laurie!" Gretchen said. "You already told us you had the hots for him."

"You weren't supposed to say that!" Laurie retorted.

"Come on, Chick, Chick, Chicken!" cried Suzy.

"Oh. All right. But just this once!"

Suzy poured another glass of wine for the girls and they watched as Lauren adjusted her lounge chair and leaned back rigidly.

"Here, use mine," said Cindy tossing me a purple container.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to scan the label quickly.

"Spray on. I think you'll find it more fun," she replied.
Read my latest story, The Bookkeeper,
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