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Old 04-19-2006, 10:04 AM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Twelve Oaks Plantation

Part One

The year was 1870. The Civil War had been over for nearly five years now. Both the Union and Confederate Armies had battled their way through the South, leaving most of it devastated and ruined. Very few platations had survived and Twelve Oaks was one of those that had. It was owned by a cruel and unfeeling man named Jonathan Brown. Knowing that it would take a lot of money to repair his beloved plantation, Jonathan arranged for his daughter, Dixie, to marry a rich gentleman from the North. His soon-to-be son-in-law had agreed to pay for the renovation after the honeymoon was over. Jonathan didn't care that Dixie had just barely turned twenty, or that she was already engaged to a local boy, or that this man could care less about Dixie as long as he had a young virginal bride to lay with. All he cared about was repairing his beloved plantation.

Dixie Brown stood in her lonely upstairs bedroom. The long white wedding gown she wore only wanted to make her bawl. Her face showed the depression that she was feeling. She knew why her father was forcing her to do this. He cared more for his precious plantation than he did for her. A knock on the door signaled that everyone downstairs was assembled and waiting for her. In the mirror, she watched as her father opened the door. "Let's go," he growled. Dixie bravely walked with her father out the door and too her waiting groom. She stood there as the preacher did his spill about the role of a loving wife and hushand. But, when it came time for her to "speak now or forever hold her peace", she ran out of the room as if the devil himself was after her.

Dixie had barely made it to her bedroom door when he father caught her. "Just where do you think you're going," he demanded as he grabbed her arm. "I can't go through with this father," she cried. "I just can't do it." "You will do as I say, Dixie," Jonathan shouted as he shoved her towards the long, spiraling staricase. In horror, the groom and wedding guests, watched as Dixie tumbled down the stairs, landing at her intended groom's feet. Jonathan came to his daughter side and demanded that she stand up and quite embarassing him in front of everyone. With her dying breathe, Dixie cursed her father. "May this plantation never be fully restored until I have found my one true love." A gasp of horror came from the crowd as Dixie's body went limp.

Jonathan spent the rest of his years trying to find someone, anyone, to help him restore his precious plantation, but no one would. It was said that the ghost of Dixie Brown walked the halls of the plantation, causing the servants, along with Jonathan's friends, to slowly leave him. It was also said that Jonathan Brown slowly went insane and was ofter heard "arguing" with the ghost of his daughter. In the summer of 1900, Jonathan Brown died, leaving behind the ghost of his daughter. It would be one hundred years before anyone once again began renovation work on the haunted plantation known as Twelve Oaks. It was also then that the ghost of Dixie Brown would meet her one true love.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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