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Old 04-04-2006, 04:48 AM
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dicksbro dicksbro is offline
Just me.
Join Date: May 2002
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Originally Posted by alspals69
Role up role upe to the poetry challenge!!!!

Ladies and gentleman, i am happy ...nay DELIGHTED to anounce an open competition to write a poem to a Pixie of your choice!!!

Points to be awarded for...

and of course stupidity. (well i ahve to give myself an advantage somehow!!)

let battle comenceeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, someone decide who the judge is?

How about ... just to kick things off ...


There once was a lady named Lixy,
Who always stood out as a Pixie,
She was always demure,
And shy to be sure ,
Except when she felt really frisky .



One thing so special 'bout Tess,
She can sure make her guys make a mess,
She blinks her big eyes,
And utters some sighs,
And nature does all the rest.



When you think of someone with thee,
Is there anyone like imaginewithme,
The guys she enchants,
What's there in their pants,
You can tell by the spots that you see.



An ex-neighbor (Iowa and Illinois) we really must tell,
From cornfields to Schooner's (a local place we first met her) as well,
Is a lady delightful,
But has moved miles ... oh so frightful,
But we're glad that she's doing just swell.



For mods there is none as good,
With whips or paddles of wood,
She can spar with the best,
(Cuz we're watching her chest )
Making the guys stand up as they should.



A lady from the town of Toronto,
Makes PF respond really pronto,
They tease cross the lake,
Just for fun is my take,
'Cuz they just seem to really want to.

and, last for now


A lady quite outstanding,
Sparkles like sunshine shining,
Always a super great friend,
To her big ol' hugs do I send,
Now that's what I call devine ... er ... ing.
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