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Old 04-03-2006, 11:04 AM
Coach Knight Coach Knight is offline
Cynic Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Hibernation
Posts: 1,279
I believe in the truth as well. I also believe in not sugar-coating the truth (don't tell me you are having trouble losing weight while eating cheesecake, just say you like cheesecake and you want to eat it). I believe in humor all good things can come. I believe in not taking anything too seriously, for you will eventually be disappointed. I do not believe that love conquers all and all you need is love. (When the basement floods and you have to call the insurance adjuster and things suck, sometimes, "but I love you" doesn't get it done, a mop does.) I believe in the silent majority surprising people who think they know better. I believe in feeling sorry for yourself for only a few days, then it's time to pull it together. I believe in statistics (as much as I hate it, the Yankees over 162 games will win more than say the Royals). I believe that being consistently late for events is not fashionable, it is just plain rude. I believe romance is many things that have nothing to do with roses, beaches, silk, chocolates, wine and candles. I believe that guy relationships are just fine not being too deep. I believe in spelling correctly. I believe in meat, Tabasco, sports, beer, martinis and cigars. I believe in craning my neck like a teenage boy when there are naked tits in the area.
Finally, I believe in making that stroking motion with your hand and rolling your eyes when someone tries to tell you what you should think.

"Women, you can't live with them ... pass the beer nuts." - Norm Peterson (George Wednt) on Cheers

"Sometimes you just have to say, what the fuck." - Tom Cruise in Risky Business

"It tastes so good. Once it hits your lips." - Frank the Tank in Old School
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