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Old 04-02-2006, 09:24 PM
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Salacious Salacious is offline
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I believe the mind is the most overlooked part of sex, that sex is more important than people tell themselves. Running naked in the rain is rejuvenating. That you need to keep exploring your lovers body or miss something special. It’s okay to eat with your fingers. Spumoni should be shared. Sexy is 90% attitude and 10% packaging. Chocolate is a health food, hugs are vital to life and laughter makes you live longer; that kisses can reach to your soul and sear a memory forever. I believe in reading erotica right before bed, slow dancing in the dark, anticipation is the strongest of aphrodisiacs. Leave wanting more, and give ‘em a reason to come back.

Variety is the soul of pleasure. ~ Aphra Behn

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