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Old 08-13-2002, 11:39 AM
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Totally Crazy Member
Join Date: May 2002
Location: lincolnshire, england
Posts: 633
I believe. where i used to live (with my parents) the house used to belong to my dads boss, his father lived there, anyway every morning at a quarter past six an indentation appeared at the bottom of mum and dads bed. it was there for about five minutes then it would disappear and they would hear footsteps going across the landing and down the stairs. my dad asked his boss about his father and apparantely he used to sit on the end of the bed in the morning when he got up and put his boots on ready for work. spooky or what.
Women are like milk cartons.
Its not so much what's inside nor how it looks on the outside.
It's getting those fucking flaps open!!!
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