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Old 10-13-2005, 12:17 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Scotland
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Part Four

Tricia Mulholland opened her eyes, unsure where she was for a few seconds, then remembered what had happened to her and, more importantly, what had caused her to be waking from a state of unconsciousness. She remembered achieving a nirvana-like state for a few brief seconds, where every nerve seemed to be on fire from a sexual ecstasy she doubted anyone else had ever experienced! As she finally became fully awake, she realised that feeling hadn't entirely diminished; looking round, she discovered she was once again alone in the basement, her two captor-fuckers had left to wherever it was they went. She took in the fact that she had been returned to a position where she was lying flat on her back, her legs lying flat and straight on the bench and, as she shortly discovered, strapped fairly closely together. The metal clamps were also still encircling her swollen and extremely aroused nipples, and her arms were still held in a position such that her hands were above her head, although not unduly uncomfortable. It was only when she shifted her position slightly that she realised there was an added 'extra' that she couldn't see - but BOY could she feel it now! She was aware of an overwhelming feeling of 'fullness' in her belly and, moving around some more, she realised that she had not one 'extra' inside her but TWO! Squeezing her internal muscles she could feel something that felt about the thickness of small-man's penis in her pussy, and what seemed to be some kind of wire, or wires, trailing over her thigh. She could also feel something small and fairly thin in her bottom too, which was slightly uncomfortable but yet intoxicatingly erotic at the same time! There was a thin belt around her waist which had an even thinner strip of leather attached to it; this disappeared between her legs, but seemed to serve no particular purpose that she could discern at the moment. She wallowed in the sensation of extreme sexuality that began to course through her body, feeling her eroticism turn immediately to wetness as her pussy once again began to produce a large volume of womanly juices.

Up in their viewing room, Tom and Steve watched the play of emotions over Tricia's face as she 'explored' the inner landscape of her body, and noted the expression of lust as she realised her pussy and ass were filled with phallic objects. Her nipples, protruding from her flattened breasts, seemed to swell even more as they watched, and when Steve panned down the length of her body with the high-definition camera, they could see the telltale sheen of her love juices as they seeped out of her tight hole onto her thighs.

"Right then," said Steve, "let's see how she reacts to a bit of extra stimulation!"
Turning slightly to a small control panel between the two men, he flicked a switch and two small lights indicated that the remote-control system was now active and working.

"Tits and clit first, I think" he muttered, and reached out to turn a small dial on the panel a quarter-turn to the right.

In the basement, Tricia's body went rigid as a strange tingling sensation suddenly filled her nipples, the dark buds feeling as though every molecule had been aroused in an instant, while at the same time an orgasm-inducing current shot through her clitoris, causing her juices to turn from a mere oozing to a flood almost instantly and soaking her inner thighs with her cum; so much that very soon it began to trickle down the crack of her ass, flowing over her anus which, by now, was so sensitive she could feel every drop of her fluids as they slid over the crinkled rosebud. Steve turned the dial further, increasing the flow of low-voltage, low-current electricity flowing through the nipple-clamps, and the chain which linked them to the loose clip attached to her clitoris. Tricia began to writhe and moan on the bench, her thighs clamped tightly together as she began to orgasm, her juices now flowing from her like a tidal wave as she screamed her pleasure through clenched jaws. Steve reduced the current to virtually nothing, allowing her to relax for a bit and savour the sensual sensations running through her body. When he thought she was starting to recover he twisted the dial again, even higher this time, and he and Tom watched as yet another orgasm ripped through the slim body on the bench, every muscle tense and straining against the huge sexual explosion surging through her body. This time, Tricia could not restrain herself from giving in completely to the extreme sensations of lustful pleasure that had been induced in her, and after only a few seconds of enduring more sexual arousal than she had ever experienced at one time, she passed out, her whole body falling limply against the bench as it continued to twitch and shake with the remnants of the remotely-induced orgasm of her life!

"Seems like there's a lot of things about her that nobody realised before," Tom was saying, "certainly not me, at any rate. I'd hazard a guess that even she never realised before how much being treated this way turned her on. It'd be interesting to know just where it all came from, don't you think?"

"I suppose it might," answered his friend, "but for me it's enough to see it, and to tape it too. It'll be more interesting to me to see how she reacts to the vibrators."

"Well, she looks like she's waking up" Tom observed, "so you'll be able to satisfy your interest fairly soon mate!"

In the basement, Tricia had indeed regained consciousness, momentarily basking in feelings of post-orgasmic bliss despite the bizarre circumstances of it's cause. Coming fully awake now, she remembered where she was and gave some consideration to the two men who were responsible for her predicament. She thought back to where she imagined that at least one of the men seemed familiar; although she still had not seen either of the men's faces, there was something about tall-man that 'spoke' to her, something in his body language and movements that seemed familiar to her. Also, he had a large tattoo of tigers in some sort of jungle scene which covered his entire right shoulder which, although sure she'd never seen it before, still struck some chord of forgotten memory. Maybe she had seen it, or maybe heard someone else talking about it - she couldn't quite remember, and it was starting to really annoy her that she couldn't. Maybe if she could, she would know who at least one of the men was, although she couldn't for the life of her figure out how that would help her in the slightest. When she thought of how good his big, thick cock felt inside her - no, wait, that had been small-man, hadn't it? Tall-man had shot his hot, creamy spunk down her throat while small-man had fucked her hot pussy - NOW she remembered!

Tom watched as a smile appeared on Tricia's face, and he wondered briefly what had caused it. Putting that to the back of his mind for the moment, he turned to Steve and said,

"Looks like she's ready for some more mate, what do you reckon?"

Steve merely nodded, watching the monitor closely, and Tom reached out to one of the dials on his side of the control panel. There was a tiny click as the knob turned to the 'on' position, and he too watched with interest as the vibrator buried deep inside Tricia's pussy suddenly came to life.

Tricia's smile transformed immediately into an 'O' of surprise, then her mouth opened and the two men heard a loud sigh of pleasure emanating from her lips. Tom turned the dial up, and both men could now hear the faint buzzing noise of the vibrator over the sophisticated audio system. He moved the dial again, increasing the tempo and intensity of the vibrations, and watched as Tricia began to move her hips as much as she was able to within the restraints, as if she was fucking the pulsating rubbery phallus buried inside her. She had her eyes squeezed tightly shut now as she gave herself up to the resurgent feelings of lust which flowed through her body, imagining that small-man had his gorgeous cock in her, fucking her for all he was worth!

"Looks like she's enjoying herself, mate" Tom commented, and Steve was so engrossed in the vision on the screen he could only grunt in reply. Tom flicked the tiny switch to the right of the dial, and he too was carried away by Tricia's reaction to the remote-controlled clitoral stimulator attached to the vibrator - THIS was what the thin strip of leather Tricia had wondered about was for; to keep the little button of the stimulator positioned directly on her clit, exactly where it needed to be! She bucked her hips up and down even faster, her moans now turned to guttural squeals and screams as she clenched her thighs tightly together, not wanting to miss even one iota of the sensations being engendered in her sex-craving flesh, not realising that the strip of leather prevented that from happening. She strained against the leather straps securing her arms as her orgasm started, her hips and ass now also straining upwards as she endeavoured to increase the pressure on her over-stimulated button, wanting to maximise the sensations ripping through her groin into her whole body. Tom turned the dial down almost to the stop, causing the woman to scream " give me more, I need MORE!" Smiling to himself, he turned another dial up high, not building the sensations up as he had before. This dial was linked to the small anal wand that Tricia had felt earlier, and it vibrated busily inside her delicate opening, causing yet more spasms to invoke shudders and shivers of pure lust throughout Tricia's pelvic region. When Tom again turned the first dial, and the vibrator in her cunt instantly resumed it's frantic buzzing, Tricia went wild, her whole body now given over to the extremes of her orgasm as it pushed her nearer and nearer to the limits of her endurance, the juices from her abused pussy now a torrent which was flooding over her lower body as well as soaking the material of the bench, pooling in a large sticky puddle under her ass. Tom now played with both dials at once, turning them rapidly to the right and left, Tricia's orgasms now merging into one huge full-body cum which all too soon overwhelmed her yet again, collapsing into a deep blackness even as she felt the cessation of the vibrations in her body........

She woke up, aching all over her body, feeling extremely tired yet full of energy at the same time! Weird, that's what it was, she thought to herself as she strived to decipher what had changed during her period of unconsciousness. Gradually she became aware that all the restraining leather and chains had been removed, as had the vibrator and anal wand, leaving a shockingly empty feeling inside her. Her arms were also free, and she moved them around, surprised to find little pain or discomfort from her movements. She finally realised that she was now tethered to the bench by only one ankle chain, and she was able to stand up at the side of the bench, albeit not able to move more than two steps in any direction. As she bent and stretched her body in a limited type of exercising, she realised that she had been washed down, as had the bench. There was no evidence of her marathon orgasm session anywhere, and she wondered fleetingly if she had imagined the whole thing. Touching her vagina and nipples, however, she was very aware of how sensitive she felt, the slightest touch seemed to re-energise the nerves in those places, and she was certain that everything she had experienced had been real.
Looking round further, she noticed a meal of cold meat and salad stuffs had been left for her, and she fell on it ravenously, drinking both the glasses of juice that had also been left.

Now feeling much better having had something to eat, she was able to look round the basement properly for the first time. She could see the various shelves and small cupboards that the men had brought different things from, but they were all shut and she couldn't see what else they might contain. Other than the strangely designed bench that had been her prison and her bed for the past days, she could see nothing else out the ordinary anywhere in the large room. That was, until she looked up to the ceiling. There, she saw two, no THREE, cameras, all of them trained on her! Instinctively, one hand shot to her groin and the other covered her tiny breasts, covering herself from whoever might be watching her. After a few seconds she realised the stupidity of her actions; of course, it was her two captors who were watching, and if anyone else was there too, they had doubtless already seen her nakedness. Moving her hands to her hips, she stared defiantly into the nearest camera lens, unconsciously adopting a model-type pose, arching her back and thrusting her small bosom forward and upward, drawing attention to her prominent, dark nipples. Soon enough, she tired of this, and looked around some more but not seeing anything she hadn't already noticed. Remembering she had not looked under the bench, she bent over and peered underneath the complicated-looking apparatus. There, she saw a blanket, neatly folded, and a pillow which felt nice and firm. Realising that her meal had been dinner, and becoming aware of her own tiredness, she decided that it was night-time and, feeling suddenly rather tired, she climbed back onto the bench and arranged herself for sleep.

Sleep wouldn't come easily to her though. She thought again about who the two men could be, striving to remember what she could about tall-man's tattoo to no avail. Just as she was drifting off to sleep, she suddenly jerked upright on the bench.

"Tom White!" she exclaimed aloud, "THAT'S who it is! I remember two of the girls talking about that tattoo, how awesome it was and how painful it must have been!"

Tricia was unaware that in addition to the cameras she had spotted, there were also several highly-sensitive microphones strategically placed around the room, and the watching Tom and Steve could hear every word she uttered.

Tricia continued with the vocalisation of her thoughts. "Well, if it is Tom White, who could the other one be? THINK, Tricia" she admonished herself. "Who does he hang about with? Not Armitage....., not Robertson either, he's too much of a wimp. Got it! It MUST be his old army friend, Steve someone. Yep, that's who they are - Tom White and his friend Steve!" Happy now that she had worked out who the men were, she laid back down on the bench and soon was fast asleep.

Up in the viewing room, Tom and Steve sat listening to Tricia's out-loud ruminations, and both were quite stunned.

"Well, she's a lot smarter than I gave her credit for" said Tom, "she worked out who we were a lot quicker than I imagined she would!"

"Yeah, but she was going to find out anyway, wasn't she? After all, there'd be no point in all this unless she knew who had done it. We've got all the insurance we need to keep her quiet" he added, patting the computer, "and it's all copied onto three different discs, so we won't lose any of it! Plus, if she knows anything about me at all, she'll know that I'm quite capable of making her 'disappear' for ever.... not just a few days or a week. She'll keep quiet, I'm sure of that!"

"Me too" agreed Tom, "but I would rather have kept her in the dark for a wee while longer!"

"Yeah, well" grunted Steve. "Looks like she's off to sleep now, so I reckon we should do the same".
The two men went off to their respective beds; both, unknown to the other, masturbating to the sights they had witnessed earlier, and the feel of the woman's soft skin as they had washed her down, savouring the heady aroma of her womanly ejaculations as they had done so!

Next morning, after a leisurely shower and breakfast, the two men descended once again into the basement where they found Tricia already awake. They had decided to keep wearing the black cotton masks they had worn previously to hide their identity, so as not to alert Tricia that they knew she had figured out who they were. If she commented on it herself, then fair enough; but they would keep the masks on anyway, simply because of the secret filming that was taking place. If Tricia mentioned their names, it was a simple enough job to edit it out, and Steve had already developed a programme that would remove Tom's tattoo from the finished article; he had already tested the programme and knew it worked as intended. In the fullness of time, he would sell it to one of the big film companies, and it would make him a millionaire several times over; it would do away with the frame-by-frame editing they had to do just now, and save them many millions in costs. That, however, was for another day. Right now, he and Tom had other business to attend to.

Tricia didn't mention that she knew who they were when they went into the room. She was permitted to take care of her toiletting needs, and also to shower. The men then led her back to the bench, sitting her down on the edge and fixing an ankle cuff to her right leg, as before.

To maintain the charade of ignorance further, both men had again donned the electronic voice-boxes they had used previously when talking to Tricia.

"Well Trish," Tom began, deliberately using the diminutive of her name, "how did you enjoy the little demonstration we provided for you?"

The question took Tricia by surprise, she had not expected the men to talk about what had happened last night; stupid of her, really, as they had obviously watched every second of what they had arranged - had to, in fact, to be able to orchestrate what they had done.

As Tom and Steve were both aware, Tricia had been awake for some time before they had appeared in the basement. She had been thinking hard about the situation she was in and, more importantly, what she felt about it. Her initial thoughts had been what they had been when she first woke up here, namely feelings of fear and hate, with a strong wish to get her revenge on the two men, especially as she was now sure of their identities. However, when she had turned over on the bench, her nipples brushing against the blanket had reminded her of the overwhelming sexuality that this whole scenario had enlivened in her. She had allowed herself to examine carefully her deep, honest reaction to the events of the past few days, and she had to admit to herself that despite the initial feelings of loathing she had felt for the two men, they had reawakened in her a latent love of sex that had lain dormant for far too long. Added to the explosive orgasms she had enjoyed so much, both from their bodies and the 'toys' they had used on her, she felt a shocking sense of gratitude to these men, something she couldn't quite understand. However, she decided that to lie to them would be futile as Tom White, if in fact it was him, and she felt certain it was, had the often-remarked gift of seeming to know when someone was lying to him.

"I enjoyed it very much" was her answer to Tom's question, and now it was his turn to be taken by surprise. "I have to say, though, that I would have much preferred to have your hard cocks inside me, rather than those bits of rubber and plastic!"

"Well, Trish" Steve answered her. "I was kind of wondering if you'd think like that - actually, it was going to happen anyway, but you may as well enjoy it, right?"

"Oh God, YES!" exclaimed Tricia, and the mere thought of these two well-hung men using her body for their pleasure sent all thoughts of trying to tease them, to try and get away, straight out of her head; she could feel that her pussy had begun to leak juices immediately that Steve had said she was going to be fucked by both of them, and she felt her breathing quicken with the anticipation of what might happen next.

Tom walked over to the door of the basement, and Tricia heard a click as he locked the door.
"We've put a padlock on the door" Tom informed her, "and this room, if you haven't guessed already, is soundproof. I'm going to undo this cuff now, but you know you can't possibly get out of this room unless we let you."

"I have no intention of going anywhere" shot back Tricia, " I want both of you to use me and make me cum at least as much as yesterday!"

She climbed up onto the bench that had, for the past several days, been her prison bed. Lying her head back on the pillow she had left on the head of the bench, she purred

"OK boys, do what you will with me!", and stretched her body out like a cat, her hands stroking the length of her body as if to arouse herself even more.

The two men stood looking at the naked woman in front of them, both of them now able to smell the unmistakable aroma of female arousal. As one, they removed their voice-boxes and boiler suits until they were standing naked and erect on either side of Tricia as she lay back languorously on the bench. Tricia reached out and took hold of the hard cocks on each side of her supine body, her hands unable to close around either shaft as she stroked them from tip to base, revelling in the feel of the silky hardnesses I her hands.

"I want both of you at once, just like before" she murmured, and guided the two men by their erections so that Steve moved to her head and Tom was manoeuvred to the foot of the bench. Tom removed the lower section of bench, as Steve had done all those hours ago, and Tricia immediately lifted her legs and rested her feet on the padded side portions of the bench, allowing him to slide easily between her wide-spread thighs. As Tricia leant her head back and reached for Steve's rampant penis with her tongue, Tom placed the removed section of bench at his feet and knelt on it, putting his face level with the glistening wet gash that was Tricia's pussy. Pressing the palms of his hands against the back of her thighs, he pushed her legs back towards her chest, opening her outer lips and causing her buttocks to spread apart, exposing the pink rosebud of her anus to his gaze. Slowly he lowered his face to her flesh, drinking in the smell of her arousal like nectar as he reached the soft, stretched skin of her buttocks. Extending his tongue, he let it touch the very bottom of her flattened butt cleft, then slowly, he drew it up the full length of the valley between her legs, over the crinkled opening to her anus and up to the incredibly smooth skin of her perineum where he lingered briefly, enjoying the satin-smoothness of her flesh on his tongue. Broadening his tongue now, he continued with his long licking stroke, now savouring the taste of the smoothly shaved pussy in front of him, drinking in the sweet-tasting juices that were flowing copiously from the hot, pink slit. When he reached the hard nubbin at the very top of her pussy, Tricia moaned loudly around the thickness of the hard cock that was filling her mouth. As Tom run his tongue roughly over Tricia's clit for the first time, she sucked hard on Steve's penis, gagging slightly at the force of her suction drawing his shaft deep into her throat.
Steve could hardly believe that this slim, wiry woman had deep-throated him at her first attempt. His member was so thick, that normally even 'specialist' cock-suckers had to have several tries at accommodating him in their throats. Any thoughts of comparisons with other women quickly vanished as Tricia started to work her throat muscles around his shaft, her breath blowing sensually against his balls every time she exhaled through her nose. Reaching up with one arm, she cupped his swollen testicles in her fingers, gently fondling the heavy orbs as she eased his cock in and out of her mouth and throat. Meanwhile, Tom had repeated his traverse of Tricia's anal cleft several times, each time spending longer and longer savouring the taste and texture of her ass and pussy. He relished the difference between the slightly bitter flavour of her rosebud and the sweet taste of her cunt, amazed by the sheer quantity of juice she was producing despite ample evidence of this phenomenon previously. He could make out that she had Steve's prick deep in her mouth, and on his next stroke he decided to concentrate on her honeypot for a time. He thrust his pointed tongue as far inside Tricia's hole as he could, his chin resting in the folds of her labia as he delved his tongue far inside her, the tip curling round to rasp against the inner walls of her canal as his teeth rubbed against the hard button of her clitoris.

He could tell by increasing rapidity of Tricia's breathing that she was getting close to her first orgasm and, leaning his left arm across the back of her thighs, he moved his mouth to suck her clit between his teeth while at the same time he brought his right hand up and slid two fingers straight into Tricia's hot pussy, feeling the muscles inside her clamp around the invading digits. He felt movement as Steve reached down and pressed his hands on Tricia's flattened breasts, trapping the nipples between thumbs and forefingers then squeezing the nipples out hard between them, stretching the rosy flesh out tight, away from the slight swell of her tiny breasts. This was more than enough to send Tricia over the edge, and with a loud cry her internal muscles clamped down hard on Tom's fingers as she came, Steve's member slipping from her lips as she continued to scream her pleasure while she flooded Tom's hand with her juices. When she started to relax somewhat, Tom took the opportunity to slip a third finger inside her pulsating cunt; standing up now, he allowed his pinkie to find the entrance to her asshole and on the next thrust of his three fingers into her love-tunnel, his pinkie disappeared up to the knuckle inside her tight anus.
Moving around to the side of the bench, Tom began to slam his hand back and forth rapidly; within half a dozen thrusts Tricia came again, aided this time by Steve clamping his mouth over her left nipple, sucking it and her whole breast, deep into his mouth, his other hand still manipulating her right nipple between his finger and thumb. Tom let his third finger slip from it's slippery sheath, and it joined his pinkie in filling her tight brown hole, his thumb now rubbing ferociously on Tricia's swollen clit as he continued his deep fingering of her fuck-holes. Tricia came yet again, this time even louder than before, thrusting her hips down hard against Tom's hand to achieve maximum penetration of both her orifices. Tom gradually began to slow his hand, and watched as Steve lifted his head form Tricia's tit, the nipple now a full inch in length, sitting proudly dark-red on top of her pubescent-sized breast. Both men disengaged completely from Tricia's body, her legs flopping onto the rests at the side of the bench and her head collapsing onto the pillow.
After a few minutes, she had recovered enough to exclaim softly, "

Wo-o-o-w! You know, I enjoyed that even MORE than the first time you did that to me - maybe because I wasn't chained down!"

"There's more to come, Trish, don't you be worrying!" smiled Steve, and he reached underneath her body to help her sit up on the bench. Sliding her down towards the foot of the bench, he climbed onto it himself and sat right behind her, his throbbing member digging into her back as he moved closer to her.

"OK, Trish" he said, "we know you like it in the ass, so maybe you'll like this, too!"
As he spoke, he grasped her firmly under the arms and lifted her bodily upwards to finish up sitting on his thighs. He slid himself, with his perplexed passenger, down to the foot of the bench, where he could gain a good purchase on the side-rails with his feet.

She felt the pulsating thickness of his erection along the full length of her slit, and looked down between her legs to see the head and first two or three inches of the shaft protruding beyond her swollen and puffy cunt lips. She reached a hand underneath this gorgeous cock, rubbing it hard into her pussy and coating it with her juices. She felt Steve's hands around her waist, and then Tom reached round and grasped her buttocks firmly in his hands; with no apparent effort, Tom simply lifted her bodily from Steve's lap, the muscles of his arms and chest moving smoothly under his skin. She felt a hand underneath her, then Tom let her drop fractionally and she felt something hard against her spread-apart butt cheeks.

"Oh my GOD!" she cried, "surely you're not going to....?"

Her question cut off sharply as Tom let her fall another half-inch, and the tip of Steve's cock pushed into her asshole, and she imagined the large, mushroom-shaped head opening the crinkled petals of her rosebud to accommodate his girth. Tom's earlier tonguing and finger-fucking of her anus had opened it slightly, and also added a lot of her own juices as lubrication, so when Tom dropped her another half inch, Steve's cock-head slid easily into her dark hole. Tom held her easily as she tried to relax her sphincter, accustoming herself to the hugeness of the penis that was only fractionally inside her most intimate orifice. Steve still held her securely around her upper ribcage, and she felt the movement of him nodding at Tom, who immediately let her drop another inch, allowing the full thickness of Steve's member to penetrate past her tight sphincter muscle. She felt a 'pop' as the head entered her rosebud fully for the first time, and could barely believe she had taken such a monster in her tiny opening. She suddenly realised she was talking, exhorting Tom to lower her all the way, to allow Steve's massive hardness to fill her completely and fill her with hot spunk.

She couldn't believe such words were coming from her mouth; although always vocal back when she'd had a regular sex life, she had never before used such language, especially to one man as she was being impaled on another's cock! Next second she forgot completely what she had been thinking, able only to scream soundlessly as Tom took her at her word and let her drop down until she felt her buttocks resting against Steve's muscular thighs, Tom's hands withdrawing from underneath her cheeks.

"FUCK! FUUUUCK!" she screamed, "GOD, that feels so GOOD!"
Steve continued to hold her firmly, not allowing her to move for a while as she got used to the hot poker filling her ass beyond the limit! When her breathing had returned to something approaching normal, she watched as Tom bent to her breasts and began to suckle on each nipple in turn, nibbling the delicate buds as he slid two fingers into her surprised pussy! When he brought the palm of his hand up to rub against her still-swollen clitoris, she came immediately, the sensations proving too much for her to handle. This time, though, she managed not to pass out, and then almost did as Steve lifted her up with his strong hands as Tom seemed to lift her by the fingers embedded in her cunt, and she felt Steve's prick sliding out of, then back in to, her clenching ass. She was unprepared for Tom removing his fingers from her pussy, but was unable to vocalise her disappointment. He leant over the side of the bench, and she felt a shudder as the bench lowered slightly, then he straightened up and stood in front of her again. Steve moved his hands now to cup her small bosoms, once again allowing her now huge nipples to protrude between his finger and thumb, and leaning her back onto his chest so that both of them were now in a comfortable sitting position on the bench.

Tom bent down again, lower this time and, without preamble, thrust his tongue deep into her vagina, then sucked her labia into his mouth and ran his tongue up the centre of them until his mouth latched onto her swollen clit, sucking it between his lips and flicking it with his tongue, causing her to clench her muscles around the thickness inside her ass as she rocketed into yet another ripping orgasm.

Without warning, the warmth of Tom's mouth left her sweet hole, and almost immediately she felt something much harder at the entrance to her soaking cunt. She opened her eyes to see Tom right in front of her, his rigid length entering her honeypot even as she looked down. In and in it went, until she felt his pubic bone bump against her own, mashing her clit roughly between them and inducing another wave of orgasmic spasm to course through her body. Tom began to thrust into her in long, pile-driving strokes, each insertion lifting her upwards, with Steve's strong arms helping the process, so that with the movement of only one man she was actually being fucked by two; and it was the single most amazingly sexual, and sensual, experience of her life!

On and on it went, Tricia cumming and cumming until there was no gap between them, just one big never-ending orgasm that she could barely remember even beginning, nor imagine when it might end. She was vaguely aware that Tom had speeded up, his strong, thick penis now hammering her like a huge fleshy piston, another massive prick reciprocating the action deep inside her ass, and then she felt one last, deep thrust in her cunt as Tom erupted inside her, jet after jet of hot scalding liquid shooting deep into her sodden hole. As Tom's ejaculation began to subside, it was Steve's turn to cum. With a loud grunt, accompanied by the one and only movement of his hips that she could remember, he too filled her with spunk, his flooding her bowel with a torrent of his hot fluid. The feeling of two men filling her with their hot cream within seconds of each other was too much for Tricia; with one final scream of ecstasy she lapsed into a dead faint, Steve's strong arms keeping her from falling to the floor as she slumped limply against his chest, her entire body relaxing as she fell into the darkness of oblivion.

Tom and Steve sat in comfortable chairs in the viewing room, flicking occasional glances at the screen where the barely moving form of Tricia Mulholland lay on the padded bench she had spent so much of the last 4 days lying on. Most of their attention, however, was on the conversation they were having about their recent sexual adventure with Tricia. Both men had been astounded at Tricia's reaction to their double penetration of her slim body, at just how much she had enjoyed it and how the excitement of it had caused her to pass out, yet again. Steve was of the opinion that if she kept doing that, then a full session (in their lexicon, that meant keeping going for many hours, not just the hour and a half Tricia had lasted!) would be out of the question. Tom's riposte to that was to point out that even with the much increased stimulation from two large cocks and close physical contact, she had lasted a (relatively) long time before passing out; he further mentioned to Steve that previously she had only lasted for less than half an hour, so she was definitely improving in the stamina department.

"Besides" he added, "it's not as if she's going anywhere for a while, so she's got plenty of time to improve!".
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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