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Old 10-06-2005, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by LixyChick
Gimme some input *WEG*...and then give me your opinions of my picks (good/bad/undecided) too! TY!

Seattle@St. Louis-I picked Seattle. Seemed the stronger of the bet even though St. Louis is at home this week.!

Good pick.

Tampa@N.Y. Jets-I picked Tampa Bay!!

another good choice, although i really think things will turn around for the Jets a little now that they have Vinny T. back - they have really run into a string of hard luck. I'm a big Jets fan and would love to see them pull it out.

New Orleans@Greenbay-Bobbing back and forth on this one. Greenbay is pretty desparate at this point and they are home. They NEED the win and might just fight for it this time round! However, New Orleans has been trying to give it's city an uplift and now they are truely an away team as opposed to being a home team in an away situation (due to Katrina). Hmmmmm...I could use more opinions on this one. I did pick New Orleans...but it's too damn close to call!

I'm going with new Orleans too - i really think Brett F. is past his prime...he's not quick enough anymore. Plus the Saints have a little bit of momentum behind them (katrina) despite losing last week.

Baltimore@Detroit-I wanna say Baltimore but I am leaning towards the home team. Baltimore has a weak advantage to me in this match-up. What do ya think?

Baltimore, hands down.

Tennessee@Houston-Tenn. is in the top ten...but I am leaning (once again) to the home team advantage and have chosen Houston *ducks rotten tomatoes*

Are you freakin nuts? *chucks rotten tomatoe

New England@Atlanta-Can't go the home team advantage in this pairing. N.E. is kick ass and I chose them...hands down!

I disagree. I think Michael Vick is too quick to be contained. As quarterbacks they are equally matched, but Tom Brady will never keep up with michael Vick scrambling. I would go Atlanta.

P.s. if NE does pull it out, it will be because of Adam Vinitaeri, and not Tom Brady.

Miami@Buffalo-Ain't real cold yet and this one is a toss-up to me, even though Miami is currently in first place. It's still so early in the season. I picked Miami. Tell me why I shouldn't!

I'm with you...this one is a tough call. i'm taking Buffalo, based simply on home field advantage.

Chicago@Cleveland-I took Cleveland. Good vibes here (and the stats didn't hurt).

another good call.

Inndianapolis@San Fran Cisco-It's Indianapolis...of course!

duh...was there ever any question?

Carolina@Arizona-I picked Carolina...the stronger team even though they are away.

Arizona hasn't had a good team for a long time...

Philadelphia@Dallas-Does Philly still have it or are the odds against them in Dallas's backyard. Never liked betting this match-up! I did, however, have to pick Philly

Even with McNabb hurt, Philly will pull through. McNabb is a tough mother to be playing injured...even though I think he's listed as probable, it still has to hurt.

Washington@Denver-Toss up here. Could go either way. I picked home team advantage for the closeness of the pair. Please Denver...don't fail me!

Gut instinct tells me to go Washington...but i could be wrong.

Cincinnatti@Jacksonville-Am I wrong in thinking Cincinnatti might get a reality check in this game? I can't trust my gut so I took the fave...Cincinnatti!

reality check? yeah right...cincy all the way.

Monday Night Football

Pittsburg@San Diego-I gotta notion that Pittsburg will do it. This is a questionable notion though!

i will never, ever ever bet against my Steelers. Ever. Pitt will dominate.

just my :cents:
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