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Old 09-23-2005, 08:24 AM
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BigBear57 BigBear57 is offline
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Right about this time of year WalMart has all sorts of descenting agents for sale in sporting goods. Deer hunters, particularly archers, use these to reduce their scent when hunting. They're not too expensive and you'd be surprised how many uses you can find for them once you think about it. I know one small bottle I had worked to keep me out of trouble when I was married and my son was still in diapers. My ex had a new Honda Civic with cloth seats. We were at the mall shopping and discovered upon arrival the my son had a leaky diaper. Well urine on those seats left in the sun while we shopped would have been an ugly smell to greet us when we were done. I'd been hunting that morning and still had that bottle of scent remover with me in the trunk. I put two small drops on the urine spots in the seat (while she raised hell about how horrible it was going to be in her new car) and wiped over it with a napkin. Surprisingly enough when we'd finished our shopping a few hours later we never smelled a thing. If it'll work on that I imagine it'll do wonders with onion smells as well. This particular one smells like licorice but some have almost no smell to them. Check it out. I'm sure there's something. If you want instant relief why not wash thoroughly with some baking soda? Seems like that should at least reduce the smell for now. Just a couple of suggestions. Good luck Hon.
As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will. He will be sure to repent - Socrates

Love is not looking in each other's eyes, but looking together in the same direction - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
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