Thread: Inxs
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Old 08-25-2005, 08:32 PM
fzzy fzzy is offline
Learning to talk sexy
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Yeah, have to agree about Ty, he's got a good voice, but I wouldn't place it in Rock .... I also wouldn't place it in soul ... though he's said several times that he's there to represent soul

I have to confess .... I've never listened to INXS ... and I haven't yet recognized one of the songs of theirs that has been sung on elimination night ... so I'm not sure that I know what singer would fit them best ....

Lil ... I know you like Marty .... but the guy bugs the stuffings out of me ... eyes are expressive, but they seem to always be expressing something a bit psychotic .... (now it's my turn to hit the dungeon I guess)
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