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Old 08-02-2005, 10:03 AM
qwerty qwerty is offline
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Posts: 8
AV the man simply needs time to figure himself out. He feels lost, confused, and worst of all he feels he has hurt you.

Kaelynn, friend or not this is one time you are likely to cause more problems than you are to help. Your wanting to "protect" AV makes you beat down the man she loves.
In doing so you:
A) Drive a wedge between yourself and her. (Even if she doesn't tell you)
B) Make it impossible for them to ever get back together.
C) Make the guy hate you.

AV don't listen to them about not talking to the guy. There is a difference between talking and begging him to come back. As long as you don't pressure him to come back everything will be fine. Keeping communication open is key in being able to salvage what you had.

Think about the entire relationship and decide if the good outweighed the bad. If it did then why should you give up? I would rather go down fighting than tuck tail between my legs and run. (Just be careful not to come across overly obsessive)

“Learn to see things as they really are, not as we imagine they are.” -Vernon Howard-

“Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have; what you are will show in what you do.”
–Thomas Davidson-
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