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Old 07-16-2005, 12:11 AM
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boilergirl1 boilergirl1 is offline
Rollercoasters ROCK!!!!!!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: northern washington for a 'minute'
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The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield but only for one of its notions......that being; that whether or not we know it each and every choice we make is for a very specific reason and that if you feel a need to do,go,say or be a particular way it's best to just go with your first instinct as that is the one that is usually correct even when it makes no sense to you to do so. Speaking on a first hand basis yes it has happened to me and on more than one occasion, so although I was mightily surprised the first couple of times, I now just go with the flow. I have other equally deep thoughts brewing at any and all given moments.
be careful what you ask for, you just may get it. wise advice from someone unknown
on those notes let's try not to take life too seriously,so pass on a genuine smile every chance you get!!!!
~There is nothing you can do, that can't be done~


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