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BlondeCurlGirl 10-29-2002 09:09 AM

Is Age Difference a Big Thing?
Just curious about all of you out there....

What has been the biggest age difference between you and a present or former spouse/significant other, etc?
Has an age difference been an important factor for any of you?

As for myself, my personal situation would have to be a 24 y/o guy I was seeing when I was 20. Maybe it was just the guy, but he made me feel like I was too immature for him, so we had to part ways. After that, every guy has always been younger than me. But I'd definitely like to have a relationship with someone older and more experienced in the near future :cool:

gekkogecko 10-29-2002 09:35 AM

I think that what matters is not so much age difference, as which particular ages are involved. If an 18 year old starts hitting on my 14 year old daughter, then it's time for me to get my shotgun. But I can't see problem with a thirty year old and a forty year old person dating each other.

Radies 10-29-2002 09:52 AM

no worries here
For me age difference doesn't really matter. I'm in love with older women, the older the better. I've dated a woman as old as 41 before, 22 years difference....right now I'm in love with a great 22 year old named anne. which is 3 years.....so age doesn't matter much to me.

skipthisone 10-29-2002 09:55 AM

Age has never mattered to me much, for the most part. I dated someone younger than myself once and really didnt care for it that much and really cant explain why. My SO is 8 years older than me and all my former girlfriends with the exception of the one, were at least 3 years older than me.

Lovediva 10-29-2002 10:05 AM

Well I guess that puts me into the "Older Women" Group. :D

Mine have been pretty much older than me by a few years. Got bored. Found myself a younger man ..7 years...

And I am still BORED!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!! :D :D :D

FussyPucker 10-29-2002 11:44 AM

I have to say age is never of any importance to me the right person is the right person doesn't matter how old !

and hey always remember age is relative.......and as long as she isn't a relative it's legal !!!! :D

Ironwood 10-29-2002 12:49 PM

My current SO is 18 years younger. My average is around 10-15 years difference.

Oldfart 10-29-2002 12:52 PM

Mostly it's not the age on the driver's license, but the age in

the head that counts.

Age difference worries mainly seem to arise from people's own

fears and expectations. My greatest difference was a 39yo

when I was 18, but I'll settle for about 10 years my junior if I

get the chance.

Murphy 10-29-2002 02:44 PM

Women, like wine, mellow with age....nuff said

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-29-2002 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Ironwood
My current SO is 18 years younger. My average is around 10-15 years difference.


Coach Knight 10-29-2002 03:03 PM

It's a bigger difference when you are younger. If you are a senior in high school and dating a sophmore, it could be considered statutory rape. But 10 years later it is nothing.
I used to have a rule: When I left high school, I wouldn't date anyone in high school, when I turned 21 I wouldn't date anyone under 21.

When I was 22 I dated a 29-year-old married woman. (BTW, that was not one of my best moments and I am not proud of it)

I guess it doesn't really matter as long interests are not too different because of age.

Oh well.


Goddess 10-29-2002 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Oldfart
Mostly it's not the age on the driver's license, but the age in

the head that counts.

Age difference worries mainly seem to arise from people's own

fears and expectations. My greatest difference was a 39yo

when I was 18, but I'll settle for about 10 years my junior if I

get the chance.

EXACTLY. Seriously, at my age (23) I cannot go too young. My youngest was my ex..he is 20 now. The reason he is my ex? MATURITY. Simply put, he wasn't mature and thanks to that he's going to lose out on a lot. I'm not a stickler for age, though, I do think I'm going to look for an older guy this time. Got a nice, 29 year old in mind too....

Hmmmm :D

LixyChick 10-29-2002 04:14 PM

Hmmmmmmm.........Well, OK......here goes!

I've got the bases covered on this one.

My first significant relationship, we were in the same age bracket. I met him when he was 16 and I was 13. I know....I know! Well, we went together for 9 (in retrospect, horrible) years. I am just grateful I never married him! Stuck in there for 9 years though....OMG!

Second significant relationship (and eventually I did marry him) was with a man 11 years my senior. What was I thinking? Not that his age had a tremendous impact on "us" but that he was just very set in his ways. And to be honest, that wasn't all that bad a thing except that I played second fiddle to his beer and his sports! He was a gentleman and a very sweet man but he wasn't really interested in me. Divorced after 8 years of trying!

My current (and most successful) relationship to date is my man of 8 years my junior. We've had our rocky moments but have always been able to compromise and I think with the fact that we had waited for 12 years before we actually married, it gave us time to see if "we" were what the other wanted in our lives. I don't reccommend this action for anyone, it's just how we did things. He and I are working on 15 years now. Hmmmmmmm.......think he's got a foot out the door? LMAO....JK!

Now, I'm not sure if age has played a role in any of my relationships....or maybe it has.

And to be honest I am trying to figure Coach's response as to his least proud moment for dating a woman 7 years older. I feel as though I should be ashamed of something here.....Hmmm????? Well, I'm not! Teehee!

Coach Knight 10-29-2002 04:23 PM

Originally posted by LixyChick

And to be honest I am trying to figure Coach's response as to his least proud moment for dating a woman 7 years older. I feel as though I should be ashamed of something here.....Hmmm????? Well, I'm not! Teehee!

Lixy, I had no prob with the age thing, what I had a prob was with the she was married thing. I hated that feeling, knowing she was always going home to her husband. I felt like such an idiot when we would go out. Oh well, I was immature and after about 9 months I realized I couldn't stand her at all. Not even being in the same room with her.

We're not going to fight again, are we Lixy?



LixyChick 10-29-2002 04:30 PM

Awwwwwwwww! TY for splainin that CK. I was just wondering hun! Oh and.....do we ever stop fighting? It's what draws us to one another, I've a feeling.....LOL!

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