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axe31 09-21-2002 04:02 PM

no man is a virgin
ok if you breck down the what a virgin is basicly you have
not had your penis in a vagina but when you are born this
is were you exit from so there for your penis has been in
a vagina so it must follow you are not a virgin.

on the other hand all the sexual intercourse descriptions
are all to do with sex between a man and a woman so
gay and lesbian sex not counted so all gays and lesbians
are virgins as long as the dont have sex with the other gender
but as stated earlyer men are not virgins so only the lesbians
will be virgins

so a lebian cant get rid of her cherry
a man loses his cherry as soon as hes born
oh by the way if the doc has had to cut open the wome
to deliver the baby he may still be a virgin

Uncle Silky 09-21-2002 04:19 PM

what about test-tube chilluns? and if i'm not mistaken, the loss of virginity, in the raw physical form, just requires penetration of some kind on the male part and to break through the hymen for a female. technically, if a girl breaks her hymen in some sorta accident when she's young, she would then cease ta be a virgin. of course, the rapid change in definition and intent of words within the English language to accomodate an even more rapidly changing society and conditions of said society keeps all this interpretive, and likely always will. *sniffs deeply of the air* i love the smell of unnecessary grammarical confusion. how is it that the Eskimoes can have 483 words for 'polar bear' and smoothly pull it off, but we English-manglers have it configured so that 'read' and 'read' are two different fuckin words? *headshake*

MissX 09-21-2002 04:40 PM

so does that mean that if you broke your hymen by some other means you cease to be a virgin or you still stay a virgin?......I thought the Inuit (im apologising now if I have spelt wrong and cause offence to anyone) 483 words were for snow....ouch, my head hurts now

Uncle Silky 09-21-2002 05:01 PM

Inuit, Eskimo... pfft, same difference. *shrug* just makin a point.

it means that technically, if the hymen's gone, yer deflowered like a prom queen.

MissX 09-21-2002 05:17 PM

So if you lose it through some other means than sex you can be taken to be deflowered?
I may be wrong but Im sure that it still hurts like hell the first time whether you've got that hymen or not

Uncle Silky 09-21-2002 05:21 PM

i really couldn't say, but i don't discount it. and yes, technically speakin, once the hymen is broken by any means, you cease ta be a virgin. technically. *points to last typed word for added emphasis*

MissX 09-21-2002 05:24 PM

Lol, jeez "technically" is such the worst word aint it....

Uncle Silky 09-21-2002 05:28 PM

word. *wink*

MissX 09-21-2002 05:30 PM

Have to admit that dictionary meanings suck...well once you take real life and all its technicolour meanings into account

Uncle Silky 09-21-2002 05:35 PM

mm hmm, the times they are a-changin.

MissX 09-21-2002 05:44 PM

oh yeah, let's rewrite that dictionary.....

Thinker 09-21-2002 06:40 PM

My nephew is still a virgin by your definition Axe. He was born by C-Section ;)

gekkogecko 09-22-2002 01:58 PM

Ah, but you must remember that the original (and still technically correct) definition of "virgin" was NOT someone who has never had sex. It's someone who has never been married.

twiztddreemz 09-24-2002 01:18 AM

i'm still a virgin by all of the definaitons, so HA!

MrX 09-24-2002 04:43 AM

I think were all being a bit literlal here. Its not necissarily the exact definition in the dictionary that counts its the spirit of the definition so no guys dont lose their virginity when they are born and no women dont lose thiers if the hymen breaks from any other activity.
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