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Irish 07-08-2002 07:37 PM

American Violence??
I have to vent on this; as it has been bugging me for days!Talk about having your cake and eating it too!
After making Thunder Road,Mission Impossible 1&11,The new one
(name escapes me),Rain Man,The bartending one,Born on the 4th
of July,etc,etc,etc.;and after killing 90,000 fictional people;Tom
Cruise;the multi-millionare,semi-midget(5' 5 1/2")has decided that
America is too violent and said that he is taking,his kids,himself,
his American-made money;and moving to another country!Of course;it might be like Alex Baldwin&Barbara Strisand(sp?)using
their version of "I'll hold my breath;till I turn blue"and saying that
they would leave the country if George Bush got elected.I thought
violence was when ;if you don't shoot the "Slope";next to you;in
the jungle;he will cut off your balls and stick them up your ass!
(Sorry Aquaman;didn't mean to sexually excite you)I don't think
we have anyone to blame;but ourselves.We let these people;who
are a legend;in their own mind;do it;by giving them our money!
My wife knows who I mean by"Snotlocker"Tom Cruise has;one;of
the few noses;thats bigger then mine!Your Opinion?Pardon any
misspellings;I'm slightly mad and rushing this. Irish

skipthisone 07-08-2002 08:13 PM

Tom cruise is just another celebrity gone liberal wacko and thinks that if everyone (but him of course) hugged a tree and gave up his or her money america would be pure again.

Grumble 07-08-2002 08:54 PM

I agree with you Irish, Tom Cruise is not all that popular in Australia because of the way he dumped his Australian wife who is well loved here. The kids will probably live mainly with her in Australia. But I can well see the point that he has helped create in part the vision of violence. To an outsider, the USA is a scary place with all the things you see in the newspaper and on TV.

But I have got to know some ordinary americans and know that in the main they are just like us really. Just everything is bigger and faster.

Johson 07-08-2002 09:02 PM

Ug. I despise Nicole Kidman. For one she is NOT a good actress. She has NEVER been a good actress. Anyone who points to Moulin Rouge is kidding themselves. As someone with experience in acting I can tell you that romance is BY FAR and away the easiest role to play. Beyond that I just don't find her attractive at all. And she WAY overplayed the divorce. She just fucking layed all the blame on him and played up SO much as the 'innocent-hurt-girl'. All it could fucking make me think of was Fraiser with the Mel-Niles divorce. Fucking drove me crazy.

Anyway. Tom has every right to do what he wishes. I don't think he's the most intelligent human being in the world (he is something of a tree-hugger) but that's not what I respect him for. I respect him as a talented actor. Which he has proven time and again to be.

jennaflower 07-08-2002 09:15 PM

I will NEVER watch another Tom Cruise flick again. Nope. Sorry but my HARD earn American Money will not be going towards his next sports car, next gold watch, next 10 room guest complex, his next "sports utility vehicle", or his next divorce.

Yes, he has a right to his opinion... that I will agree. However, that doesn't give him the right to bad mouth a country which has supported his career thus lining his versace pockets with gold. He should keep his mouth shut and move on... like the saying goes, if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.

As for his acting ability... get real.. he isn't what I consider to be an actor... sorry... there are few of those around anymore... not "legendary" ones. He like so many of todays actors will be replaced in time with another... younger... more handsome... more athletic.. daring... version... no doubt there are many out there biting at his heals.

Real actors... lets try... Anthony Hopkins.... Tom Hanks... Robert Redford.... Harrison Ford.... Paul Newman.. now those are actors. They don't rely on their "looks"... they don't spit in the face of those who support them...

sorry... but Irish.. you are 100% correct... like Baldwin and Striesand... this will most likely go under the carpet and he will not be held accountable for his words. He will continue to make movies... and those gullable enough not to realize that his personal views are a reflection of the man will continue to see his movies.

Never thought I would say this, since I am not a Nicole Kidman fan either... but MAYBE she is the smart one afterall.

Grumble 07-09-2002 01:34 AM

Regarding Nicole Kidman, some of her exceptional work was done pre hollywood. If you ever see the TV mini series "Bangkok Hilton" you will see some real acting talent. She was much more than Tom Cruises wife.

I think he is an arsehole quite frankly, got the hots for another woman and deserted his wife when she was pregnant. Undoubtedly his despicable behaviour contributed to the miscarriage that Nicole had. I have nothing but contempt for the man.

Scarecrow 07-09-2002 02:02 AM

I'd put Tom Cruise in the same boat as Jane "Hanoi" Fonda then sink it. America Love it or leave it.

Reverend Silky 07-09-2002 03:08 AM

christ, i hate serious discussions...

Irish 07-09-2002 07:16 AM

I agree that Tom Cruise has a right to his opinion;but;as Jennaflower says-If you can't say something nice;don't say anything!
Jennaflower---I feel the same way about Alec Baldwin.Even if I admired;his acting ability;I have not watched anything that;he is
in;since those remarks!I never did like Striesand!(Talented;but full
of herself)
Scarecrow---I'm glad to see;that someone;besides myself;some
mistreated POWS,and many veterans still remember"Hanoi Jane!"
I will always hate her because of the misery that she caused!
Grumbleguts---I have often wondered if this is Tom Cruises way
of covering up;the fact;that Nicole got; the children;in the custody
I am registered to vote;as an independent.The A.B.&B.S. example;
are a perfect reason why.Many party people;will vote for anyone;
in that party;instead of the best person! Irish
P.S.The opinions voiced;are those strictly of the writer and are ;not neccessarily;the opinions of Pixies!My $.02.

skipthisone 07-09-2002 08:00 AM

To sum it up for me, I just dont want or care about actors or actresses political views. I just want them to ACT and entertain me. All too often they get famous and then have to take up a "CAUSE". Most of the time these people are not all that bright (I know there are exceptions) so they should just memorize their lines, entertain my ass and cash their checks and shut the hell up.

Coach Knight 07-09-2002 08:25 AM

He's such a tool. I wonder if he realizes that probably his post popular movie "Top Gun" was responsible for many people entering the American military. In fact, the US Navy had recruiting desks outside the theaters when that movie came out.
Maverick, Ice Manand Slider would kick your ass and beat the crap out of Dr. Green while they're there.

legend 07-09-2002 08:28 AM

Re: American Violence??
Originally posted by Irish
Tom Cruise has;one;of the few noses;thats bigger then mine!

ahh, but nowhere near as big as Laurie Daley's!

Irish 07-09-2002 08:36 AM

Skipthisone---That's one of the reasons that I was so dissappointed in Rosie O'Donnel(sp?)I liked her as a commediane;
I don't particularly;care about her political views.(I have my own)
I stopped watching her show;for that reason!Talk Show hosts are
the same way.Technically;they are supposed to be neutral.If they
disconnect people who don't agree with them;they should have a
different job.As you can see;I have many opinions on these things
I'm not going to change;all of lifes wrongs;so I'll just shut-up!

Irish 07-09-2002 08:42 AM

legend---Pardon my ignorance;but I don't even know who Laurie
Daley is. Irish

dicksbro 07-09-2002 09:06 AM

I agree with Scarecrow ... Tom Cruise and "Hanoi" Fonda seem to be cut from the same cloth. Maybe they should find a place to live where they'd enjoy life ... maybe Iraq. :)

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