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sadora 05-01-2002 06:44 PM

A big change for me!
My hubby wants to join the fun too. From now on, I will be Sadora_Twistedpoet. We will sign the posts so you know who wrote it, or if not signed, we both wrote it. Please don't treat me any differently as he read alot of this forum already, and we are very open with each other and others as well.

Just thought you should know!!

Glyndwr 05-01-2002 06:48 PM

Hi Sadora-Twisted Poet

Enjoy the fun twice as much!!

sadora 05-01-2002 07:19 PM

Okay, maybe I won't have to change names after all.... let me try something!

sadora 05-01-2002 07:24 PM

Well, I can't seem to get my computer to let me log out here, so I will have to have a friend who knows about computers over to help. Maybe then he can join without me changing my name. I guess I should have tried before I posted this thread..... sorry.

Lilith 05-01-2002 07:40 PM

If you erase your cookies it may let you add a dif name.. check with Diva or any of the couples like Sharni and Bilbo how they do it.. I know when I erase the stuff off my system I have to log in again maybe then you could sign him up. You could try going through the main Pixies site too.

Capoc 05-01-2002 09:32 PM

If you go to the main forums board, before you get into any of the diff forums, there is a log out button to the right of your avatar.

sadora 05-01-2002 09:52 PM

Thanks for the advice.

Capoc- I have tried that. It says my cookies are erased. Then when I try to come back, It does it again.

I am no computer expert, but have tried all of the obvious things. I am gonna have a friend that is better with them help me.

legend 05-01-2002 10:35 PM

Go to Control Panel, then to Internet Options. Then on the General tab under Temporary Internet Files, click on Settings. Then click on View Files. This will bring up your cache folder. Select all the files and delete them. This will clear the cookies.

Hint - It's a good idea to delete the files first by clicking Delete Files under Temporary Internet Files before you do this. This will delete all the files except the cookies and won't bog u down when u delete the files.

Hope I have explained this clearly. If you need any more help, let me know.

vampeyes 05-01-2002 10:38 PM

Sadora - I have the same situation I am trying to entice hubby here heheheehe and we are able to do it (both have different handles) good luck :)

sadora 05-02-2002 09:56 AM

Thanks legend!! That worked!! Now I can keep my identity!!

I guess there aren't any big changes for me after all!!!

Thanks everyone!!

Lovediva 05-02-2002 10:03 AM

Thanks legend for explaining it to sadora!!

Happy you got things figured out sadora! :D
Now..when can we be expecting Mr.Sadora???;) :D

sadora 05-02-2002 10:08 AM

Diva- You sure can!! Under the guise of twistedpoet!! he he!!

Thank you for all your help! I know it is hard to deal with us computer challenged people!!

Lovediva 05-02-2002 10:10 AM

Welcome to Pixies TwistedPoet!!!!

Now just how Twisted is he???????? :D :D

Lilith 05-02-2002 10:48 AM

Welcome! I am sooo glad you figured it out! :p

sadora 05-02-2002 10:52 AM

Thanks everyone!! You have all been sooo helpful!!
Now you get to see just how twisted he really is!!

I mean TWISTED!! He should fit in nicely here!! he he

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