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Grumble 03-29-2002 05:50 AM

Back home for a bit
Just got back from a week visiting my parents and I am astraight into pixies, I missed you people.

My Dad is dying of cancer, he has been given about 2 months to live at the most, he had in in the oesophegus had, radiation and it slowed up but now is growing again and has spread to the liver.

He is 83 and has given up just sits there staring into space and hardly eats. My mum was pleased to have me there with her.

I will be back and forth till he passes on so don't be surprised to see me in and out a bit. No internet at their place.

I have managed to get into a few conversations with him though and I am sure Dad appreciates me being there.

Posting this as my Pixies friends are a sort of family too.



Lilith 03-29-2002 09:15 AM

GG~woke up this morning, hopped onlineand was so happy to see you made it home safe and sound! Sorry to hear about your Dad..... You are surely a help to your Mom right now. It is good you are having an opportunity to talk with him and say all the things you may not have in the past. I too am in the process of dealing with the hardships connected to helping someone pass as comfortably as posible. If you need a shoulder or ear.... So glad you have returned!

Sugarsprinkles 03-29-2002 09:38 AM

Sorry that you both are dealing with such a difficult situation.
Always willing to lend an ear if needed. Feel free to pm if you like.
I am grateful tho' that you have the opportunity to say "goodbye" or to make peace if necessary with your loved one. My sister-in-law's husband, who had been dealing with an unspecified mental illness for a few years, just committed suicide last month. He never gave his family or himself the chance to do either.

mindboxer505 03-29-2002 11:06 AM

damn grumbleguts.......believe me ,,,,i know how you feel........im in the same boat.....my dad in in a nursinghome from having heartstrokes and one heartattack in the past 2 years.....not much of our family is around him and he has given up to....wont eat and is just wanting to die.....unfortunately i am having to wait till june to go see him....when i call him i try to cheer him up with stories about his grandkids but i dont think it does much good...
im still trying to deal with it and the fine folk here in pixies have really helped......and do try lilith's shoulder.....she was instrumental in getting me out of my depressed mood and back here....among my friends....we all will be here for ya.....to let you yell scream cry vent some anger.......anything and anytime dude.....remember.....you're surrounded by friends here.....dont forget that......

scotzoidman 03-29-2002 01:16 PM

Let me offer my shoulder/ear/whatever to all of you dealing with your impending loss... Grumble, MB, & anyone else, I know... nearly 10 years since I lost my own father (he was 83 also), followed soon after by my only brother, then my mother... just to let you know it will get better, tho you never get over it completely... again, the whole family is here to help any way we can.

jay 03-29-2002 01:42 PM

sorry to hear about all of your family's My father has been smoking for ever and is always sick now but is afraid to go to the doctor we all keep trying to tell him that he needs to go but to no avail. once again I'm sorry.

sugarfreecandy 03-29-2002 01:55 PM

Grumble, it's good to have you 'home' again. My heart really goes out to you, Lilith, Mindboxer, and to Scotz too. I'm only young, and I'm lucky enough to have most of my grandparents still alive and reasonably well, as well as my parents, so I haven't had to face what you now do. I have, however, been volunteering as a pet therapy visitor at the nursing home near me for several years, and I've had numerous 'adoptive grandparents' and friends there who have passed away. I'm so glad, for your sake and for the sake of your loved ones, that you are taking time to be with them before they're gone --- too many of the people I've loved in the nursing home have been stranded there without their families visiting. I know that the time spent with someone as they slip slowly away can be torturous, especially near the end, but it's so awfully necessary. Like everyone else who's posted here, if there's anything I can do --- a listening ear, a comforting shoulder, or even a human punching bag for venting frustration --- I'm only too happy to do it, for any of my Pixies' family.

With love to you all,

--- sweetstuff

Sarriah 03-29-2002 02:33 PM

Im so sorry to hear that you guys are going through such hard times atm. Its sad but it seems that you guys are strong and thats what helps the most. IF ANY of you need someone to talk to anytime let me know. HUGS TO EVERYONE

naughtyangel 03-29-2002 06:23 PM

I'm really bad at this sort of thing normally, and these pg hormones don't help at all.....

{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}

Grumble 03-29-2002 09:00 PM

Well what can you say
other than thank you all for your caring, kind and thoughtful words.

They are more to me than just words, I gained the sincerity and feeling behind them and I am strengthened and touched beyond belief.

I often joke and make what i think are witty comments about things, but to be on the receiving end of such warmth is an immensely postive eperience.

My thoughts and copmpassion goes out to all the others that have had to endure the stress and sorrow of the illness of a loved one.

My heartfelt thanks to you all

God Bless


Sharni 03-29-2002 11:53 PM

Not much i can add here that already hasnt been said....just that my thoughts are with you grumble and if ya ever need a chat give me a yell


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