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Lilith 03-17-2002 12:43 PM

Sexual Indicator
Is there something you use to judge what type of lover someone would be? Do you ever see someone and think, 'God I bet they are a freak in bed'...... or is there anything that you use to help you detect whether they are 'shaggable'?

Do you believe you can't tell until you are there? Or do you pick a movie based on how well you like the previews?;)

My criteria for deciding is usually based on their kiss. I am a sucker for a smoldering, fire starting, kiss. I use the way they kiss.... the tempo, sensuality, compatability, and just over all yumminess to decide how they may be at sex. Smoochable='Do-able':p

Tell me how you know..........

rabbit 03-17-2002 01:28 PM

Her choice of perfume and her body language. The combo of the two is usually my barometer as to how daring, how horny, how much a woman loves to have sex.


Saddaddy 03-17-2002 03:02 PM

I watch how they Dance . hard & fast or slow & sensual . You can bet they are good in bed .

Oldfart 03-17-2002 08:12 PM

Just watch them, works whatever your orientation.

If the object of your scrutiny is self-obsessed, will probably

be the same in bed.

If they are outgoing and sharing, probably a good root.

Or so this book on ancient history (damn the dust) says.

souls_cry2000 03-17-2002 09:38 PM

There's something about the eyes. They can convey anything and everything in a single glance. I love to see that wild hungry look that comes after a coy flirtatious conversation. The chase is just as good as the catch itself. Sometimes you'll forget who is chasing who.

BamaKyttn 03-17-2002 11:50 PM

well, one thing that lets me know someone is a freak is if they reach down to OH SO crudely scratch themselves (we're talkin men or women here) and tehres the jingle of jewelry..... piercings.... I'm sorry I dont think I could live with one but it would be so cool to play with for a few weeks... kinda like a guy whos not circ.... I would get such a kick outta just playin withthe damned thing..... oh sorry wrong thread....


Lovediva 03-18-2002 11:32 AM

Or so this book on ancient history (damn the dust) says.

Ahhhh Poor thing....come here Oldfart..and let me BLOW the dust off for you........and we shall make new history... ;) :D

In my opinion...the Eyes and Smile say it all...

...and the butt in tight jeans helps alot too!!! Mmmmmm!!!:D

Wicked Wanda 03-18-2002 11:35 AM

This may sound a little girlish, but the first thing I notice about a man is how clean he is, hands, fingernails and the like. The next thing is how polite is he to strangers, like waiters and such. Then comes how he kisses. A well-groomed man who is polite to strangers, and kisses to make my knees weak, is going to be good lover, usually. A man who spends a lot of time looking in the mirror is not going to be very giving in bed, either.
With other women, I have been surprised too many times to have a firm set of rules. I do like clean and polite, but there have been exceptions. Also, shy, timid women, some of who have never been with another woman, have proven to be DEVASTATINGLY good lovers, while others who were more experienced, forceful, strong, and attractive, have been embarrasingly bad bedmates.
The most important thing I have learned is that looks, like being handsome or attractive or painfully thin in a magazine cover sort of way, means nothing! Very attractive people have been among the worse lovers I have ever had with BOTH sexes! It is almost like they have done their part just by showing up!



sadora 03-18-2002 11:38 AM

I ususally watch how they move. It hasn't failed yet!!

MTBsweetie 03-19-2002 12:09 AM

You can definitely tell a lot about a person from his eyes, but the thing that first attracts me to someone is his lips... Soft and full- yummy...

mtavistar 03-19-2002 12:38 AM

To me, it's all in how cuddly they are. When a man touches those around him casually, without thought, he is usually a good lover. Also gotta go with the cleanliness---I don't want to be in bed with someone and have to wonder when the last time they showered was.

ASH 03-19-2002 01:50 AM

i have to agree with saddaddy. the way someone dances is a big indicator. also, just a hug. it lets you know how good they are with their hands, and how shy someone is. there are several others i can't think of or that have already been mentioned, but one that's certainly not an indicator is looks. been disappointed with many performences of the very attractive type.

kiwi15 03-21-2002 11:57 AM

I'm with you, Ash. I've been disappointed with the very attractive types. In my own experience, the best lovers are on the buxom side and comfortable with it.

For me, there's something in a woman's aura that says it all. If we're in tune I just know it. If we aint, I give sex a wide berth - it's just not enjoyable.

MissX 03-21-2002 06:44 PM

Mmm it's the eyes that do it for me, if they have a spark of fun in them, then count me in...

Eros 03-21-2002 06:48 PM

Eyes and body language say alot. Although I'm with WW in one way. From my experiences, shy women seem to be the most uninhibited in bed. I used to think that the outgoing, flirty types would be hell in bed, but the shy ones, in my findings, are the screamers, back/chest scratchers, willing to do anything in bed.


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