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gigi 01-01-2013 06:09 PM

Fresh Start
After a nice chat with the lovely Pita, we decided it would be awesome to have a little thread for those of us that are trying to lose weight/get in shape/get back in the groove. We are all quite supportive about so many things (and open as well) that we may as well support each other through success or trials and tribulations.

So to all....welcome!

(no snacks will be served....but water a plenty!)

Pita 01-01-2013 06:53 PM

I'm here and thank you sweet gigi for starting the thread. It was our own awesome Fangtasia who is the inspiration behind this support group. :nod:

Tomorrow, I have a physical scheduled with a new doctor and I plan on talking to her about what I can do to jump start my weight loss. I really think my age is starting to slow me down and it might require some drastic measures. Like actually having to be hungry on occasion. :eek:

If I do get my weight off, I might be persuaded to let my amateur photographer husband take a pic or two of me and post it for all you horny Pixie men. Now, whose willing to support my efforts? :D

Fangtasia 01-01-2013 07:12 PM

Here with bells on to support those who want it!

I must get Bilbo to take an updated pic of me. He took one the night before i went in for surgery, will be interesting to compare. (i'll share them here eventually, but not quite yet)

Oh and snacks are all good guys....technically you should be eating them lol (just choose healthier type ones and limit the not so healthy)

gigi 01-01-2013 07:25 PM

I started a genuine effort to get into shape last year. I've been working out every other day. This is the first time when starting a new venture....I didn't weight myself first. I am trying (TRYING) to be less number obsessed. I'm estimating my weight loss in a year between 25 and 30 pounds.

as for snacks (merely a joke btw) I cannot stand almonds, and they seem to be a snacking standby....any other suggestions?

Lord Snow 01-01-2013 07:30 PM

Fruits and veggies.

Lilith 01-01-2013 09:33 PM

I have been at a stalemate for almost 2 years. I was doing zumba 3 or more times a week but lost nothing. I did tone but I need to drop actual weight. I spoke to my doctor and they gave me the really serious pills due to my age, my great labs, and the consistent inability to lose despite the massive amount of exercise I was doing. Well I lost 14 pounds in less than 2 weeks but also was awake for over 3 days straight and was basically crawling out of my skin. I tried to cut them in half but that did not cause the appetite suppression. I had to give them up. It made me so sad.

I've gained back that weight plus more since the trauma of my friend's baby dying. I used that as an excuse to just stop caring. And it shows.

So I have given up on candy again, I have reactivated my MyFitnessPal.com account and bought 4 punch cards for zumba. I love the dancing and it makes me feel hot in all the right ways.

My goal is to lose 44 pounds in this year where I am 44. I am a numbers person. But more than that I want to feel fit again. When I was dancing, I could run flights of stairs even at this size and that is what I hope to get back!

1/2 a cup of strawberries and 2 TB of cool whip is < 100 calories

10 queen olives are < 100 calories

celery w/ 1 TB peanut butter is a great snack too

I am sure we can all achieve the goals we set because we are some seriously fierce females.

I'm here with you!

Fangtasia 01-01-2013 11:58 PM

My snacks usually are yoghurt, fruit, nuts (not just almonds). I often cut up carrots, celery, capsicum in lengths and have in the fridge. Grab a handfull and some tomato based dip and dip and chomp lol

Pita 01-02-2013 10:45 AM

Well I just got back from meeting my doctor. She is giving me three months to see what I can do. She of course recommends exercise, which I'm going to do now that I have my nice little home gym all ready to go. She also suggest I look into doing a diabetic diet. I'm not diabetic but it runs strong in my family and I do carry most of my weight around my mid-section.

I agree with Lilith and that we are fierce women and we can do this thing. I'm turning 47 in exactly two months and it's time to stop fighting the weight battle and start living my life the way I want to. Fit, healthy, and ubber sexy!!

gigi 01-02-2013 10:59 AM

Found this low carb snack idea page...


Pita 01-02-2013 11:25 AM

I love making frittatas and crustless quiches. I have been wanting make kale chips. I've heard good things about them. :nod:

My main go-to-snack are Kashi bars. I keep them at work and can eat one quickly if I don't get time to have lunch when I'm hungry.

I know that my biggest problem lately has been that I've been drinking wayyyyy to much coffee and not enough water. At home I use fat free half and half but at work I've become slightly addicted to that nasty powder creamer stuff that is loaded with garbage. My new doc told me to cut down my caffeine intake and I think I will start by weaning myself off so much coffee by drinking more green tea. I don't need any creamer in the tea and green tea is suppose to be really good for you.

Coaster 01-02-2013 02:15 PM

I too have been working at getting in shape. I'm down 15lbs since last March. I am a Director in the Visalus Body By Vi meal replacement shakes.

My cholesterol and other blooodwork numbers taken in Sept have been the best in over 5 yrs... needless to say my DR was impressed.

If you'd like to learn more and take the 90 Day Challenge with me just PM me..... would love working together with all of you!

dicksbro 01-03-2013 04:24 AM

I'm actually down about 38 lbs from my high point. Mainly, I try to walk a mile 4 or 5 days a week (more if I have time to) and I try to watch mainly the size of my dinners, doing things in moderation.

Last check-in at the doctor's office, I was at 204 (Down another pound from the previous checkup 3-months earlier. Not fast, but steady.)

Pita 01-04-2013 06:48 PM

I had a good day! I did 25 minutes on the elliptical (fat burning program), some weights, and on my feet a good part of the day cleaning and ironing. For dinner I made a very healthy salad with homemade balsamic vinaigrette and panned seared scallops in just a little olive oil with fresh squeezed lemon. It was tasty!

Coaster 01-04-2013 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by Pita
I had a good day! I did 25 minutes on the elliptical (fat burning program), some weights, and on my feet a good part of the day cleaning and ironing. For dinner I made a very healthy salad with homemade balsamic vinaigrette and panned seared scallops in just a little olive oil with fresh squeezed lemon. It was tasty!

I was looking for the "like" button! Sounds delicious!

Went snowshoeing for an hour.

Lilith 01-04-2013 10:26 PM

Tomorrow is Zumba for me. I'm avoiding candy and it is so hard for me. Today I went over my calorie limit but I am not beating myself up. I went out to dinner and while I still ate things like fries I made some good choices too like not eating the bread etc.

I went to the grocery store today and picked up some high fiber lower calorie foods and lots of fruit and veggies.

Pita have you ever made your own balsamic reduction? It is super simple and cuts down on the amount of oil I add to salads but it is still calories.

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