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PantyFanatic 10-06-2008 10:20 AM

PAGAN-09 set-up
PAGAN-09 has been on the mind of many Pixies and it is time to set firm dates and a location. I first suggest we DO make a deadline for doing this and would like to make the end of this month that deadline. By 31 October 2008 (Halloween) we should have that much set in stone. How does that sound? :shrug:

Lord Snow 10-06-2008 10:49 AM

Sounds fine to me. Out of curiosity, where have the other PAGAN's been? I know about Nashville (I was there).......

dicksbro 10-06-2008 11:44 AM

The first Pixie get together was in Branson, MO and organized by Sugarsprinkles; the second was PAGAN 06 and held at Niagara Falls, Ontario. It was organized by PantyFanatic. Then was PIP 07 held in the Peoria, IL area (Morton, IL) and was organized by Dicksbro. That was kind of a fill in to bridge the gap from PAGAN 06 to PAGAN 08 when we expected OF and his bride to be able to be with us again. Last one, of course, was PAGAN 08 and it was held in Nashville and was organized by Scarecrow and Mrs. King :) .

One thought suggested for the next one (PAGAN 09) was at/near Holland, Michigan but that was only an idea and no organizer has stepped forward. Another suggestion was in the Baltimore ... central E. Coast area. But no one has volunteered to organize it. Usually it takes someone very familar with the area to scout out inexpensive accomodations (hotels) and "things to do." They don't actually have to live there, but, do need to be able to invest the reseach effort to line things up. Also needs to be sensitive to the distances the likely attendees would have to travel with their likely associated costs (more of an issue if gas prices jump any higher than they are now.

A Florida get together would also be a possibility, but, like with Michigan and Baltimore ... a "leader" needs to step forward.

Hopefully, we'll find someone willing. My Mrs. said that if worse came to worse, we could do another PIP-like get together in the Peoria area, but, want to give others a chance to bring folks to their neck of the woods first. Also, if this keeps going, it'd be nice to save return visits for a few years so a site doesn't get "old."

Does that help prospective organizers ... or just scare you off? I hope it doesn't scare anyone off. I'm sure all of us that have made it to "PAGAN" events would be happy to help with some of the planning and preparation as needed.


dicksbro 10-06-2008 11:51 AM

As indicated by Branson and Peoria get togethers ... the site chosen doesn't have to be a world leader tourist Mecca. At Peoria, there's 10 times more to see and do than what there was time for. Bigger cites, like Nashville, are great but not everyone lives in or near enough one to organize things there.

Smaller places have a charm of their own and the main goal of any get together is to meet and visit with friends we've come to know and care about through Pixies. :thumbs:

gekkogecko 10-06-2008 12:53 PM

Did I just get volunteered to organize this thing?

dicksbro 10-06-2008 02:05 PM

Nope ... just said for us to go somewhere ... someone needs to volunteer. Now, if you'd like to volunteer ... hold up your tail ... er ... paw ... er ... leg. Oh, heck, you know. :)

Then, if you do volunteer and want to, PM PF, Scarecrow or myself, we can tell you things we did to get ready.

Lilith 10-06-2008 06:09 PM

I'm saving myself for PAGAN '10 Vegas :D

Lord Snow 10-06-2008 06:14 PM

Well, by then I'll have family living in the Vegas area....though I'm not that fond him. He's one of the cousins I find annoying, but that's another story. I've wanted to Criss Angel live since I first saw his show Mind Freak. As for suggestions for '09.....with all that's happening in D.C. it might not be a bad idea if there's anyone that can organize it.

Scarecrow 10-06-2008 10:26 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
The first Pixie get together was in Branson, MO and organized by Sugarsprinkles; the second was PAGAN 06 and held at Niagara Falls, Ontario. It was organized by PantyFanatic. Then was PIP 07 held in the Peoria, IL area (Morton, IL) and was organized by Dicksbro. That was kind of a fill in to bridge the gap from PAGAN 06 to PAGAN 08 when we expected OF and his bride to be able to be with us again. Last one, of course, was PAGAN 08 and it was held in Nashville and was organized by Scarecrow and Mrs. King :) .

One thought suggested for the next one (PAGAN 09) was at/near Holland, Michigan but that was only an idea and no organizer has stepped forward. Another suggestion was in the Baltimore ... central E. Coast area. But no one has volunteered to organize it. Usually it takes someone very familar with the area to scout out inexpensive accomodations (hotels) and "things to do." They don't actually have to live there, but, do need to be able to invest the reseach effort to line things up. Also needs to be sensitive to the distances the likely attendees would have to travel with their likely associated costs (more of an issue if gas prices jump any higher than they are now.

A Florida get together would also be a possibility, but, like with Michigan and Baltimore ... a "leader" needs to step forward.

Hopefully, we'll find someone willing. My Mrs. said that if worse came to worse, we could do another PIP-like get together in the Peoria area, but, want to give others a chance to bring folks to their neck of the woods first. Also, if this keeps going, it'd be nice to save return visits for a few years so a site doesn't get "old."

Does that help prospective organizers ... or just scare you off? I hope it doesn't scare anyone off. I'm sure all of us that have made it to "PAGAN" events would be happy to help with some of the planning and preparation as needed.


It scared me off of doing '09. :hair:

PantyFanatic 10-07-2008 12:56 AM

It's no secret that I will travel just about anywhere, any time for our gatherings normally, as my personal situation allows more flexibility than those with young families or seasonal work demands.

An important aspect, along with a willing sucker, .... I mean 'volunteer' :rolleyes2 as organizer, is trying to pick a location as central as possible for the most numbers of Pixies seriously interested in attending. Most Pixies that have attended once, seem willing to stretch that distance a little to anything affordable in time and $$$. If we want to make it appealing to new Pixies (get-together wise), we need to see that show of hands. I for one, would love to meet more of our members that have been active for years and become important to us all.

The other facet of date has narrowed itself, in my view, to being in the standard vacation season between US Memorial Day and Labor Day in spite of the cost difference. Because so many Pixies are involved in education, I don't see us able to take advantage of the out of season pricing but even early to mid June offers some saving and may be an option.


Lord Snow 10-07-2008 10:08 AM

Fortunately, time isn't too much of an issue for me. Trying to get time off in the holiday season can be a pain, but it is possible. Plus with my work schedule I can take only a few days off and get a week or so. Bama is in the same boat with me since we work for the same company just in different areas.

gekkogecko 10-07-2008 10:18 AM

Claw...lizards have claws.

At this point, my claw is half-raised...depends on how much other stuff in my life I end up having to organize in the next couple of months. I'll know about that in the next week or two. (Literally: I will know by the end of the second week, if not sooner).

Booger 10-08-2008 12:21 AM

I've siad it a few times in chat that I would be willing to have it here in Michigan. I was kind of waiting to post anything tell after the Scarecrows visted next week end. So I can pick Scarecrow brian a little bit while he's here.

Teddy Bear 10-08-2008 07:31 AM

I would be willing to organize a Pixie gathering in Rhode Island. Newport is great but it might be less expensive to stay someplace else and drive to things we want to see. You can get to most of RI in an hour or so..... 'smallest state' jokes aren't that far from truth. :D

I know one Pixie would love the Newport Jazz Fest. I will see if I can get the dates for that in 2009 and see if thats a good time to have the gathering. For a small state there is alot to see and do here. I'll put a list of major attractions together if anybodies interested. We're only 1 1/2 hours (apx) from Boston and Mystic Seaport & Aquarium in CT. are apx 45 min away. So that opens up even more.

Scarecrow 10-08-2008 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by Booger
I've siad it a few times in chat that I would be willing to have it here in Michigan. I was kind of waiting to post anything tell after the Scarecrows visted next week end. So I can pick Scarecrow brian a little bit while he's here.

'If I only had a brain' :roflmao:

Just follow the Yellow Brick Road to see the great and wonderful OZ.

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