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Noah 05-17-2008 02:44 AM

The Ark ~ The critter ~ "Pic heavy"
Well the Ark inhabitants have dropped quite a number now :( With all that going on here, quite a few have new homes. Two by Two, out they went :boohoo: :boohoo:

I did a major reshuffle of my photobucket account, so most pic links will be broken in the old threads, so a new thread was the go eh.

Anyway my critters are now:

Dog ~ Scooby Doo
Cat ~ Scamp
Mice ~ MooMoo & Speedy
5ft tropical tank
2ft goldfish tank
3x betta tanks

Then we have the odd critter visitors *L*

I'll slowly start taking snaps again and adding them here for you to see.

Noah 05-17-2008 02:52 AM

5ft tank
Well, let me say, moving the 5ft was a bloody nightmare!

The poor fish were bagged for 1 1/2 days, non heated, while the tank was pulled down, moved and reset up. Thankfully no losses though that i can see!!

The substrate has all mixed in, so it is no longer black, but i dont mind the look actually. The driftwood has also been rearranged differently, again i dont mind that either. The new look has made the fish use the entire tank more, which is great for viewing them.

The bristlenoses, Nosette and Spike, now live in the 5ft. They are doing an excellent job of keeping any new algae under control.

I grabbed a quick snap of the 5ft yesterday.....i'll try for better pics later

The tank is seriously low in plants, the algae bloom prior to the move made me cull a few of the plants out when i replanted. I'll slowly start to replace what was discarded in the weeks to come.

Noah 05-17-2008 03:26 AM

2ft Goldfish tank
Meet Argon (mostly white) & Eragon (gold), these 2 were in my pond which was demolished in the move. They will stay in here until, i either get the pond redone or they outgrow the tank.

The tank deparately needs a makeover, my tank muse hasnt given me any inclination on the final tank outlook as yet *LOL* It will happen eventually, i am leaning towards the fake colourful tank for the goldies though *LOL*

PantyFanatic 05-17-2008 04:45 AM

Tell the truth. You had to move when the mice out numbered you, took over and threw you out. :nod:

Glad to see you are getting settled and set back up. Sorry to hear about the pond casualty.

Noah 05-17-2008 05:46 AM


I'm VERY glad to be getting settled!! The pond was not a permanant structure, i just gotta get around to getting it set back up. Scoob is using the liner at present though, so i gotta get a new liner first *L*

Noah 05-17-2008 05:47 AM

A Visitor
Look who came to stay for a few days. I found him in a box and put him in a critter keeper for a few days so my sons could have a look at him (my youngest found out he bites *LOL*)

He has now been released back out into the garden, but i snapped a few pics of him before he left :)

We also had a large blue tongue drop in, but i wasnt catching him to take pics of *LOL*, they definately bite and bite HARD!

Anyway here's liz the skink

Lilith 05-17-2008 08:53 AM

eeek a skink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PantyFanatic 05-17-2008 11:13 AM

Your pic are truly National Geographic quality, Sharni. :thumb:
I think GG is going to like these pics.

Now, ................................ WTF is "a large blue tongue"? :sad:

PantyFanatic 05-17-2008 11:26 AM

Never mind! I know what a blue tongue lizard is now. :rolleyes:

They say he is slow and gentle but that one won't fit under my shoe. :yikes:

(Note what is at the top of that page, Sharni ;) ) :rofl:

Noah 05-18-2008 03:17 AM

Scooby Doobie Dooooooooo
I was taking some pics of the house to email to Mum & Dad, and well, ole Scoob stole the show *LOL*

He absolutely loves the huge yard, he gets a kick outta chasing any bird that lands on the ground *L*

Oldfart 05-18-2008 06:20 AM

OF, PF needs to come over to try and cuddle this gentle lizard LOL.

Level 4 or 5 water restrictions in that lawn?

IowaMan 05-18-2008 07:22 AM

I could look at pics of Scoob all day long! He's such an adorable big lug! :loveshowe

PantyFanatic 05-18-2008 10:10 AM

OK. You can stay and unpack now. It looks like Scooby approves of the new place. :)

Noah 05-18-2008 01:10 PM

OF ~ *LOL*@gentle lizard. And yep water restrictions, i think they are level 4 out here. Mind you the only lawn is this side of the BBQ, the other side is a nasty bindii type weed, along with just about every other type of weed, which will be getting a drink of poison very shortly. Ya dont go barefoot past the BBQ!!!

IowaMan ~ I love taking pics of doo, he's so photogenic *L*

PF ~ Told ya lmao

Noah 06-20-2008 07:31 AM

The newest addition. Meet Simvar, he is a registered ragdoll, currently only 8months old, he lives with me and was my Mums beloved baby boy (he is special to me for this reason)

Some pics

A few of him with my Scamp boy (Scamp is now 18months old and looks smaller *L*)

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