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Neige 07-31-2007 07:38 AM

The Pill and bleeding
Hi folks! I have been advised to go to the clinic by my friends but I am not sure it is worth it... what's your opinion?

The problem is this. I am on the Pill, and when I came back to Canada from France three weeks ago, I ended up forgetting to take my Pill two days in a row. (It was the first time I had forgotten it for so long!) I took a look at the website of the company that makes my Pill, and it instructed me to take two Pills a day for two days and then continue the rest of the pack normally. (I was in the second week of Pills when this happened.) So I did as instructed, and I think it was that first day that I started back on the Pills that I started bleeding. Not as much as I would for a regular period, but I figured that my body was just confused and trying to have me have a period at the wrong time.

Well, I've been bleeding since then. I finished the pack last Tuesday, and Thursday I started bleeding like I normally would for my period. So I've pretty much been bleeding for the past three weeks. Is it normal for that to happen in my case? Should I wait to go to the clinic if my normal period ending doesn't stop the bleeding? I feel fine, and have no odd symptoms apart from the bleeding.

Lilith 07-31-2007 07:57 AM

<^^^ is not a doctor>

When you start taking the pills again after your "off" week, if the bleeding does not stop make a call or set up an appointment.

Loulabelle 07-31-2007 08:21 AM

I agree with Lil. Bleeding when you stop taking the pill for your 7 day break is known as 'withdrawal bleeding' so missing two pills can be enough to trigger that, in your case. I'm sure things will return to normal when you resume taking your next packet, but if not, see a doc. If nothing else, at least you know you're not pregnant and don't worry about the actual blood loss - you lose a heck of a lot more after childbirth!

I've never known a pill that you have to take two off if you forget. The advice every pill I've ever been on is to take the next one as soon as you remember and to use an alternative method of contraception (i.e. condom) for the following 7 days.

Neige 07-31-2007 08:27 AM

Lou, this is what the website told me :

If you've forgotten the pills during the first two weeks of your cycle (the white and/or light blue tablets), do the following:

1. Take two pills the day you remember and then take another two pills the next day. ( Don't take more than two pills in one day so, do not take the two pills plus today's pill all at once. )
2. Then take one pill a day until you finish the pack.
3. Use a back-up method of birth control (e.g., latex condoms and spermicidal foam or gel) if you have sex in the seven days after you miss the pills.

It doesn't mention any possible bleeding though.

Lilith 07-31-2007 08:28 AM

I believe but may surely be wrong that they have you take two because it is very likely to decrease the chances of implantation should anything have happened.

osuche 07-31-2007 01:08 PM

I wouldn't worry quite yet - do as Lil and Lou suggest. It may also be that your travel schedule and exertions have thrown your body for a loop. Treat yourself gently and wait for your next cycle to start. If you are still bleeding after a couple of days, it may be best to head to the clinic.

Neige 07-31-2007 01:11 PM

Thanks, (((Lil, Lou & osuche)))!!!

I was thinking I would wait and see what happened after my period was supposed to be over too. My friends were worried but I am not too worried yet.

Loulabelle 07-31-2007 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I believe but may surely be wrong that they have you take two because it is very likely to decrease the chances of implantation should anything have happened.

I think you're probably right about that too Lil, as I'm fairly sure I remember my sister saying that the morning after pill (Plan B) is just a super large dose of the contraceptive pill.

wyndhy 07-31-2007 02:08 PM

i'm not just playing devil's advocate here ... or being alarmist or saying you need to go right this second. but you've been bleeding for three weeks, not just spotting for a few days or having a lengthy period. even if you wait to see if it stops before you're scheduled to start the next pack, and it does, and you decide not to go to the clinic, please at least mention it at your next visit. three weeks is a helluva long time. but for what it's worth, i think you should go get it checked out while it's still going on.

wyndhy 07-31-2007 02:11 PM

this had some info http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/va...leeding/HO00159

Neige 07-31-2007 02:17 PM

Thanks for the link, wyndhy.

I am actually starting my new Pill pack today and normally, my period should be finishing today-ish, so if I do keep bleeding I'll definitely see a doctor. I'm trying to avoid going just because I am currently living in a tiny town where the most convenient thing when you want to see a doc is to go to the hospital emergency. I'll be back home next week though and there I should be able to get an appointment.

Miss-Honey-Bee 07-31-2007 04:56 PM

Hi Neige.

I'm also on the pill, and I find if I ever miss 2 pills, I bleed. x

Shadozfire 07-31-2007 08:49 PM

Do you have any other symptoms such as thrush or pain with intercourse? Any nausea or vomiting? It is quite normal to bleed for a long period of time after switching pills, but I have not come across bleeding for that long just for missing one. Yes, doubling up would increase bleeding, but once again does not normally last 3 weeks. I agree with the other folks and go see your doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.

Oldfart 08-01-2007 12:48 AM

Better to be an idiot with your doctor than an incident at the ER.

Not a panic, but worth the ask.

LixyChick 08-01-2007 04:46 AM

Doesn't sound extremely unusual sweetie...but be sure to mention it if you have to see the gyno in the near or distant future!


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