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osuche 05-10-2007 12:57 AM

5 Things...
What 5 things have you learned in the past year?

Things that make you happy, things that have made your life better?

osuche 05-10-2007 01:04 AM

I learned that sexy underwear is best worn daily

I've learned that online friends can love you as much as real life friends

I've learned that sometimes I need to say no at work- and sometimes this is career advancing

I've learned that I can love many people at the same time

I've learned to love California

Loulabelle 05-10-2007 01:32 AM

I've learnt the meaning of the word 'worry'

I've learned that it's OK not to feel strong all the time, when most of the time you are stronger than you thought possible

I've learned that I'm indescribably lucky - I thought I knew how lucky I was before, but I didn't

I've learned that love of our children makes every single one of us the same, whether we live in England, the US, Iraq or Outer Mongolia and that a war that I thought was pointless before seems even more pointless now.

I've learned that parenthood puts a huge strain on a relationship, but is also a glue that seals two people together for a lifetime.

IowaMan 05-10-2007 05:15 AM

I've learned that there are times when I actually can be handy when it comes to projects around the house.

I've learned that there are few better feelings in the world than when you hear a child tell you that they love you. (I've always known that but it had been a while since I had heard it.)

I've learned that I can ask for help sometimes without having to feel as though I'm a lesser person for not being able to handle whatever it is completely on my own. (This one's a work in progress.)

I've learned that there are people that I grew up with who admire me (why I'm not entirely sure) and who I inspire and that it feels incredibly good to hear them tell me that I've made an impact on their lives.

I've learned that sometimes you can find things in life that are absolutely incredible in places that you never would've dreamed of looking. Began to learn this around October/November of last year and it's something that continues to amaze me pretty much on a daily basis.

maddy 05-10-2007 06:02 AM

I've learned...

- I can hate more passionately than I thought possible and it's destructive to me
- I don't like New England enough
- it is my turn to support my parents as the tables are really turning in our relationship
- I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck
- I wear my emotions on my sleeve all the time, even when I shouldn't

Pita 05-10-2007 06:25 AM

~I've learned what true love and complete understanding really feel like.
~I've learned that I can go to college and do really well.
~I've learned that I have the ability to lead people.
~I've learned to let go of guilt and do what is right for me.
~I've learned that pleasure and pain together is a kink I plan to hang on to.

flutelady 05-10-2007 04:06 PM

I've learned that "fair" and "half" are myths when it comes to the legal system

I've learned that I'm capable of mastering the kinds of math that I need for nursing.

I've learned all about parastalsis, and seen it inside and out.

I've learned how very insecure I am

I've learned how very capable I am

Mae 05-10-2007 08:11 PM

- follow your ideas
- keep yourself healthy
- trust and like yourself
- I am totally doggied out. (No more dogs.)
- After many years, I am tired of volunteering.

*Also...never drink a Diet Coke right after a Diet Pepsi. Very baaaaaad.

IowaMan 05-11-2007 11:01 PM

Can I go for five more?

I've learned that trying to teach myself a new language is pretty tough. Still working at it though.

I've learned that the town where I grew up hasn't changed much at all since I was a kid......... and it's sort of a nice thing

I've learned that sometimes it really is better to be lucky than good.

I've learned that if I really put my mind to it, I can cut corners and save a bit of money and not feel like I'm missing out on anything.

I've learned that my old computer was more of a T-Rex than I realized.

osuche 05-12-2007 06:11 PM

I've learned how to move like pure sex, but I've also learned how to turn it off when I want to

I've learned to kiss like I mean it

I've learned that sometimes dreams are enough

I've learned that sexy is as sexy does

I've learned that I am endorphin addict

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