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wanderingsoul 08-19-2005 06:59 PM

need help QUICK!!!
Okay, so I haven't gotten laid in months. I've been so horny for so long that I've been half hard (or more) for like the past week straight! It stopped being funny a long time ago and it's starting to reach the rediculous level.

There's one local gay club that's open from 10pm-5am. I've been ungodly cock hungry lately and I think I might just be horny enough to go to a club.

The problem is, I don't, can't, and won't dance. Seeing as how tonight's theme is 'dance all night' I figure that's a pretty big problem.

What I need is some suggestions of what to say to a guy that I'm interested in but who wants me to dance. I wish I had the balls to say something like "I don't really feel like dancing right now, but I'd love to suck you off." but I just don't have it in me. So, it's 8pm they open at 10 I figure a good time to get there is 12:30 that leaves you all a little over 4 hrs to come up with a line that will get me laid tonight.

Thanks everybody

Lilith 08-19-2005 07:10 PM

"Sure, do you know how to do the Hrizontal Mambo?" :D

Just say..."I didn't come here to dance" and PLEASE use protection!!!!!!!!!!!

wanderingsoul 08-19-2005 08:04 PM

Would "I didn't come here to dance" be enough? I don't want to be too forward but at the same time I want them to know how anxious I am. You think that would do it? You got anything else, I don't want to sound like a broken record.

wyndhy 08-19-2005 08:40 PM

i think lil's line would work. unless you can work up the guts to be foreward and or flirt outrageously, it's your only option really.

Cheyanne 08-19-2005 09:09 PM

As per your request via PM...

Just as Lil said, be careful and make sure you use protection if what you are looking for were to happen!

Now, I understand that you are horny and want to get laid. If you have never been to this club before and are a total novice to male/male interaction, I would go to observe without the goal of "getting laid". If you are uncomfortable with the theme of the night, I wouldn't go at all. Your discomfort will show and may make you a target for being taken advantage of. (This is the same advice I would give a female going to a club with the goal of getting laid as well) You don't want your "first" time to be rough or have little meaning do you?

Anyway, if you do decide to go, be careful, choose wisely and make sure that it is something you truly want to experience.

wanderingsoul 08-19-2005 09:26 PM

don't worry, protection will be used if anything gets that far.

I am fairly new to the lifestyle but in no way was that a choice. This is what I've always wanted really. What I am new to is the club scene, gay or straight. I'm a loner and if you would've asked me a year ago if I'd ever be caught dead in a club I'd probably laugh at you. That's just not my schene but it's pretty much my only choice and I'm adaptable enough that I don't think I'll have a problem.

Any other input would be greatly appreciated.

BIGbad 08-19-2005 09:51 PM

Just go chill and relax at the bar, I am sure there will be others of like mind and in the same boat as you. Just be talkative, out going, and most of all confident and it should work out.

Good luck.

Pita 08-20-2005 06:43 AM

Sorry I wasn't here last night to answer this. Soooo how did it go? Meet anyone fun? :)

Loulabelle 08-20-2005 09:44 AM

I would just say that while, just like in any straight club you go to, there is sex all over the place, gay nightclubs are not sex clubs. They aren't all about hooking up with people for a quick fuck.

The reason they exist is for gay people to go out, be themselves, drink, dance, flirt and have fun in an accepting, unthreatening environment. The guys you'll come across will be there for a variety of reasons....some looking for one night stands, some looking for more meaningful, long term relationships, and some looking for a good night out with their boyfriends/ friends.

I'd have thought, to be honest, if you are just after no strings attached sex with a nameless faceless stranger, the public toilets at your local park would be a far better bet than a gay nightclub!

I know that by the time you read this you'll have probably been, and found this out for yourself, but I thought this might help to dispell some of the myths for others out there who might be curious. There does seem to be this misconception that gay clubs are like some kind of men only swingers parties, but it simply isn't true, and if you go expecting that, then you'll probably be disappointed.

wanderingsoul 08-20-2005 09:57 PM

Okay, so last night was just completely rediculous. I drove around for like an hour and a half looking for the damn place. I finally got pissed off enough that I just decided to go home and look at the directions again. Almost as soon as I logged on a girl I met on myspace.com messaged me and we talked as I was looking at maps. She had been there before and told me where it was. This is a very long story summed up very quickly. The intersection that I got lost at was a four way intersection. I went to turn left without realizing there were two options. There was the main left hand turn and then there was a side one way alley about halfway between left and straight. Basically, the club was like the second parking lot down that one way alley. I was so focused on finding and reading street signs that I'm sure I missed a big neon sign that was right in my face.

So anyway, me and brenda keep talking for a while and I'm about ready to go when I ask her if I can come over to her place instead, mainly joking since she was at her god moms. To my very pleasant suprise, she said that was fine and that she'd already asked her god mom. I took the fact that she was obviously and openly persuing me as a huge compliment. Again to make a rather long story short, I'll sum the night up for you all. After we casually chatted about this and that for a while, I talked her in to cuddling up for a movie. I'd never seen the pacifier so she put that in. She had been putting on the act that she was a completely cold fish and just not interested in sex of any kind. Five minutes after the movie started I was sucking on her ear, 10 minutes after the movie started, I was sucking on her neck and hearing the occasional moan. 15 minutes after we were completely making out with me rubbing her nipples through her shirt. 20 minutes after, my hand was up her shirt as I was sucking on her neck and ear while she moaned continously.

It had gotten to the point of us needing a little more privacy so we went into the bathroom, the only available room with a door. After undressing her while I kissed and sucked on every newly revealed inch of skin I began sucking on her nipples as I fingered her slowly. Soon after I could easily tell that she was having trouble standing, ;) so I sat her on the toilet. I swear man, it didn't take but my tongue, two fingers and about 10-15 minutes before she came so hard her entire body just trembled and shook for like five minutes even after I stopped licking her. As she put it, she was completely 'spazzed' out and just waaaaaaaay to sensitive for anything else. I seem to have that effect on women and don't mind at all. We got her dressed again and we went out and actually tried watching the movie. It was like 5am by this time and we were both tired, especially her ;). So we decided to go ahead and call it a night and finish the movie some other time.

Tonight I'm either going to go the club which would cost $13 +drinks&gas or go over to brenda's again which shouldn't cost hardly anything seeing as how she lives less than 10 minutes away! Thank god for myspace and thank all of you for all your help.

While I'm thinking about it, I'd kinda like to ask you all something. I've always been the type that gets off just as much by going down on a girl as I would have if we actually had sex. Is that fairly normal or am I just truely gods gift to all women. And yes I do know that I'm being one egotistical son of a bitch but I deserve to brag a little.

thanks everyone

Cjack 08-26-2005 05:48 PM

Well I'm glad to see you got some satisfaction.
One thing I want to say is, it sure takes you a long time to get from sucking her ear to licking her puss. *Smile*

wanderingsoul 08-27-2005 03:33 PM

well I like to take my time

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