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Lilith 04-21-2005 06:08 AM

Sex Offenders/Predators
What do you think? Time to insert microchips/give them permanent bracelets and track them through GPS? Lifetime probabtion? For molestion? For rape?

I like the idea of a bracelet because then the rest of society is warned. Not terribly PC maybe but I'm currently a victim advocate for a 12 year old and live in a state where kids are being murdered cause they can be, so frankly I'm jaded about a criminal's rights post prison.

What's your take on some of the current proposals in the U.S.(Florida)?

cowgirltease 04-21-2005 08:40 AM

I think castration would do nicely. ;)

wyndhy 04-21-2005 09:09 AM

i don't know much about the florida laws on the books but the bracelet idea seems like a good one. for repeat/violent ofenders, i like cgt's idea. too bad the aclu would be all over it. :rolleyes2

Pita 04-21-2005 10:58 AM

We should do whatever needs to be done to track them at all times. I live in Florida also, have a 13 year old daughter and there are 4 registered sex offenders in my area that I know of right now. One of them right down the street.

I am so damn sick and tired of these people having more rights then the childern in our country. In my opinion you commit a crime against a child there are no more rights for you but the basic human ones that we allow you to have.

It a sickness that is almost impossible to cure and we shouldn't have to put our childern at risk for their rights. :mad:

Irish 04-21-2005 11:45 AM

They should be given "Old Time"Bikers Justice or Irishs justice!Garanteed,(sp)
they'd never offend again.I'm sure that many will disagree with me but as the
father of two daughters,that's my way! Irish

PantyFanatic 04-21-2005 12:28 PM

Sex Offenders/Predators
If a sex offender is someone in an Indiana hotel room that has an adult come to him and gets her pussy eaten before going home and deciding she was raped and he goes to jail,:confused: he has paid for his pleasure. Leave him alone after that.

If a sex offender is someone that has touched a child,:mad: they should never become a predator. “Predator” denotes a previous act that could be repeated to me. A forty-five cartridge is only $.38. :rolleyes2

dicksbro 04-21-2005 12:31 PM

PF ... if that was a motion, I'll second it. :thumb:

Irish 04-21-2005 12:37 PM

PF---I used to reload 44Mags,for alot less then that.I'm sure that the same
could be done with 45s! Irish

PantyFanatic 04-21-2005 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by Irish
PF---I used to reload 44Mags,for alot less then that.I'm sure that the same
could be done with 45s! Irish

I want new brass and fresh factory loads. ;)

Sharni 04-21-2005 01:25 PM

Death penalty is my vote for the lowlife bastards!

dreamgurl 04-21-2005 03:00 PM

I used to have this teacher in High school that would say " minors have no rights to anything, till they are old enough to vote" I think that's the attitude carried out by this country. I have to go with Pf and CGT on their answers as to what to do with them, I think we have a nice streach of dry land full of hungry animals and an abundant supply of honey and syrup that should do nicely too.

jay-t 04-21-2005 04:07 PM

The Apache's had the answer to this a long time ago ,run them naked thru a cholora (sp) thicket then castrate, problem solved

lizzardbits 04-21-2005 04:28 PM

*Lizz begins to count the days to when i can move back to the family farm in the middle of nowhere Iowa*

There seems to be many releases around here. In fact there is a registered offender within a few blocks of me, and RIGHT across from our campus k-12 school, as i found out yesterday.

I honestly felt ill to my stomach, and as i write this, i feel ill now.

...no wonder so many parents are chosing to home school....

Make them eunichs, i say, and if they are those that are touchy, cut off a finger or two or eight. Let them know a pain and suffering that THEY will have to carry throughout their lives, like the pain that they inflicted on their victims. Make sure that the procedure is done with a dull butter knife, and the person doing the procedure looks and acts like they are enjoying themselves.

I am a true believer in that if you something that it comes back to you threefold. goes for both good and bad. And for some of these ppl there is NO rehabilitation.....

ok off my soap box........... :rant: :box:

lonelyarmywife 04-21-2005 05:20 PM

there needs to be some type of visible warning to society at large that this person is a pedophile. ACLU will argue that there is a stigma to it, and they're damn right. There ought to be a stigme to it - everyone should know that this person touches children. It's only fair to parents - wehave enough to worry about and knowing would be one less thing.

Of course, if anyone ever touches my son, they won't ahve to worry about a bracelet. it's hard to wear those kinds of things six feet down.

Cheyanne 04-21-2005 07:26 PM

I have gone on the net and looked at the state's sex offender postings and found that we have 10 in our little area. Two are less than 5 miles away from us.

While I am all for the bracelets and electronic tracking, it is my understanding that not all offenders will be required to wear a bracelet - only those convicted after a certain date. This concerns me. I believe that local law enforcement should establish a special task force to take care of checking up on them as well. If they aren't at an address listed and they cannot find them, then a warrant for their arrest should be issued. Their picture should be posted in the post office and other public places to warn people. Their picture along with their charges should be faxed or hand-delivered to schools, public libraries, theaters, skating rinks, swimming pools and day care centers. Places where one would typically find children.

What I have done is taken this opportunity to have a "teaching" moment with my children. We have a secret word now. If someone comes and picks up my child, that person must tell my child the secret word. Also, I have a cell phone - she will call me when that person picks her up and lets me know even with the secret word. If that person does not know the secret word (even if she KNOWS this person), my daughter is to run to a public place and scream her head off or stay at school. I don't care if it embarrasses that person or anyone.

We keep our doors and windows locked. We can go to the courts online to find out about a person. But, no matter what we do or how prepared we are, this could happen to my child. I can only pray that it doesn't, and that we as society find ways to stop this.

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