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silentsoul 01-09-2005 07:32 PM

Eminem's a trip
Ok, I don't know what everyone's music preference is but this is pretty much for eminem fans and who ever cares.

Seriously though, he's a trip ain't he! He got such a unique perspective on the world and he ain't shy about giving you his opinion on it all. Pretty much every song has a beat that anybody can get into and the lyrics are always insane. I heard a little of his new album the other day and I'm gonna have to get it. Never ceases to make me laugh a little. Can't wait to get his new cd.

anybody else like him? If not, who do ya like

lonelyarmywife 01-09-2005 08:21 PM

Funny you should mention this, Em is playing on my computer right now.

His new album Encore will be the best 15 bucks you will ever spend. Srsly. I have rocked it everywhere I go for weeks, and it's kinda become my therapy. I HIGHLY reccommend it for any Eminem fan and it's a good starter album for anyone who is not.

P.s. When you get it, you have got to rock tracks #6 and #20

LixyChick 01-10-2005 05:38 PM

I never could get into him...but I think it's an age thing with me. I don't remember being that angry at his age...ergo, the reason I don't particularly care for any rap/hip-hop music. Everyone seems so angry!

If anything, this country has gotten easier for the younger generation (computers, video games, school activities, schooling opportunities, cars...more kids have cars today than ever, money...parents make more money these days because the mom is working as well and some kids have more money than ever...etc., etc.,) and yet this generation is angrier than any generation before it. I dunno...I just don't get the anger. What is it that is lacking? Where does it stem from? What is everyone angry at?

Gimme heavy metal any day! Aerosmith, (old) Van Halen, Queen, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, and so on and so on. Oops...now you're gonna mention Marilyn Manson, ain't ya? LOL! OK...well, he's dark and strange but I don't feel the anger from him that I do from rappers.

Correct me if I'm wrong...and I'll stand corrected by your examples!

silentsoul 01-10-2005 08:06 PM

AWW Hell, you done did it now. Ok first of all I'll never turn down a good 70's rock hit. Lynard Skynard is like one of the all time greats, Free Bird!!!

"If anything, this country has gotten easier for the younger generation" I think that we (the younger generation) has a much less physically demanding life. Compared to the older generation, we're basically a bunch of lazy bums. HOWEVER, I think the mental stress put on kids nowadays is harder than ever. Back in the old days as a general rule there was a stable family environment. Now a days kids are left with more and more responsibility at a younger and younger age without much if any support from their family.

I guess it's hard for one generation to see from the other generations point of view. That anger that Em has is one of those things. He was raised with no dad, a fucked up mom, and in about as bad of a situation as he can be in. He had to find some way to deal with that reality and getting mad at the world was his outlet.

Another thing that's unique about Em is just because the lyrics are violent doesn't mean that he's trying to be violent. He just likes to fuck with peoples minds. If you actually listen to his lyrics with a sick kinda mindset he's funny as hell. Perfect example is where in one song he's talking about setting a guy's house then drive around and knock the hydrant off. Now that would just be a fucked up thing to do and some are able to have a sense of humor enough to find that funny.

But then again maybe it's just an age thing.

jseal 01-10-2005 08:34 PM

Has anyone seen my walker? I can't remember where I left it... :confused:

cherrypie7788 01-10-2005 08:44 PM

But then again maybe it's just an age thing.

Must be, but what age :p I'm just kidding. No, I cant stand eminem. I like softer more girly stuff...Hmm, like the Maroon 5 song I have quoted in my signature.

lonelyarmywife 01-10-2005 09:54 PM

It's alright, SS I got ya back on Eminem.

His lyrics are offensive to some people, he has a couple songs that are offensive to me too. I just don't listen to the ones that bother me.

As far as the anger goes, you're both right. Kids today re angrier. And Lazier. But they are also more apt to make excuses for their shitty behavior, i.e. my daddy ran away and my mommy is a crackwhore.

Getting back to Eminem though, his album really has helped me get some frustrations out in the last month or so. But music has that affect on me.

Is this post making any sense?

Mercury_Maniac 01-10-2005 09:58 PM

pretty decent stuff. i'd have to say he's definitely one of the best white rapper's around.

and his lyrics are kickass....he doesn't hold back

dreamgurl 01-10-2005 11:07 PM

Alright I'll speak up, I personaly can't stand that man or any other hip hop artists, I dont get their message but then again maybe if they stopped calling me bitch and hoe long enough and sopke actual english i would. and this is comming from a 20 year old woman.

I find their messages degrading and I feel likethey are bad role modles for the youth of america and the world by their actions of " pimping" and drug promoting.

* goes back to her punk music with a little clay aiken thrown in*

thank you

silentsoul 01-11-2005 03:41 PM

well just so everyone knows I don't really listen to rap, just Eminem. Most rap is too offensive for me and pretty much anything "gangsta" is a total turn off for me. Like I said, I just think he's funny to listen to.

Aqua 01-11-2005 03:55 PM

Yeah, I'm an Eminem fan. I do find some of his songs abrasive but if you listen he'll tell you in other songs not to take him seriously. He also says to not use him as a role model. His skill in reciting lyrics falls nothing short of incredible. He's funny... "Go go gadget dick!" Certainly he's not for everyone, but I get a lot of enjoyment from his music.

dreamgurl ~ You are certainly entitled to like/dislike different groups, performers, and even genre's. I don't think it is good to blanket an entire genre as one thing or another however. While there are certainly hip-hop artists that love to throw out the word bitch, glorify a thug based lifestyle, talk about hitting the bong, and speak copious amounts of slang that does not define every artist/group.

lizzardbits 01-12-2005 07:55 AM

the music video for "Just Lose It" had me busting a gut! he even makes fun of himself, thus no one is safe from a jab from him. the guy's got talent.

but otherwise i'm happy with my Type O Negative, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, Rammstein, Ministry, Ozzy, Nirvana, oh sorry was i rambling?
Ramble-reminds me of "Ramble On"
so then there is Led Zepplin, KISS, Ted Nugent, Grateful Dead, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Steppenwolf, Pink Floyd, ZZ Top......ooops, there i go again.

imaginewithme 01-12-2005 08:08 AM

I really like him....a l ot..... Santa put his CD in my stocking this year---but unfortunately, I just can't get into it like I did the other one. Not sure why. But yes, I do enjoy him a lot!

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