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Mae 01-08-2005 09:35 PM

Curious about your hobbies...
What are three hobbies that you enjoy, (besides sex), and why did you choose them?

For me:

1) Gardening: I find it relaxing and fulfilling

2) Needlework: Again, I find it very relaxing.

3) My Dogs: Rewarding with lots of love and affection.

Your turn. :)

Lilith 01-08-2005 10:12 PM

1) Beading~ I have no idea why I love it so much but it leaves me feeling as if I've created something beautiful

2) Bead hunting~ I love hunting for the perfect stones and discovering new things to use. I also like the geology behind some of the pieces.

3) Herb gardening~ I love my herbs they aid me in cooking delish meals, staying healthy, and feeling at peace and relaxed.

Cheyanne 01-08-2005 10:31 PM

Gardening and preserving the harvest - 'cause I like playing in the dirt (don't like the bugs though) and because fresh veggies taste soooooo good in the middle of winter.

Quilting - Similar to Lil's beading... I like the creation and then seeing the quilt used.

Reading - for learning and entertainment.

sandan 01-08-2005 10:47 PM

Cumming :devilish:

osuche 01-08-2005 10:47 PM

Other than Pixies? :D :p :D

Reading ~ escapism and education
Going to school ~ getting my MBA has been FUN
Performing ~ still like breaking out the trombone on occasion!

jseal 01-09-2005 08:23 AM


(1) Learning – It’s fun!
(2) Chess – Teaches patience
(3) Scouting – Helps the young ‘uns

Pita 01-09-2005 10:22 AM

1) cross-stitching because it relaxes me and lets me create something beautiful.

2) Trying to watch every reality T.V. show that is on because irrating hubby is fun. :D

3) Playing on my message boards and chatting with friends.

LixyChick 01-09-2005 11:54 AM

Sewing...though I do it for a living, I do make stuff for myself from time to time. Gotta go hunt up Lilith's old thread asking for pics...I got some doosies!

Gardening...and I'm going through withdrawl now that winter's set in!

Guitar...and I still suck! Don't practice enough...and I'm due for lessons aaaaany day now...lol!

Collecting time pieces (not just clocks...but any form of keeping time) and old bottles.

Computer...and yes...I suck at that too! But I love learning and I can pick up stuff pretty quickly...if spoken in English as opposed to geek-speak! *giggle*

My most annoying hobby? Picking out improper use of the English language. And, I know I'm not the perfect person to do it...I've my own faults. I wouldn't necessarily call that a hobby...more like part of my O.C.D. I'm getting better in my tolerance though. I just listen now and say to myself "I should have been an English teacher".

Cobalt 01-09-2005 12:14 PM

Having sex.
Reading about sex.
Watching sex.
Anything to do with sex.
and the ones I enjoy when I can afford to and have the time are:
Hunting, fishing, shooting(guns and bow), computers(bulding them and working on them), and did I mention SEX!

wyndhy 01-09-2005 03:46 PM

reading-because, well, the reading rainbow song says it all. :D
baking&cooking-i love the chemestry of it, the finished product and especially when it's tasted and deemed excellent. :D
writing and drawing-creative outlets

cherrypie7788 01-09-2005 03:53 PM

Reading anything I can get my hands on for inspiration/entertainment
Writing when the mood strikes because it's a way to vent and also a creative outlet
Photography, I think it provides an opportunity to see the world from a different perspective

LixyChick 01-09-2005 05:52 PM

Just a tiny hijack here...

Please see Lilith's thread..."They should at least find ya handy"...for my aforementioned pics!

I now return you to your regularily scheduled thread...*giggle*

Mae 01-09-2005 08:16 PM

Oh, man... :o When I saw that, Lixy, I remembered the thread. So, uhm....let's all go to the "other" thread. And, I'd posted in that thread. :o Just not my day. :rolleyes2

texascubfan 01-09-2005 09:41 PM

this should serve as further punctuation that i am a different sort of pixie. most everyone here gardens (is that a verb?), and reads and such. sometimes i wonder why i fit in at all. :( oh wait, i remeber! i like sex and good people!

anyway, my hobbies are fishing, fantasy football (i know i'm a geek, but i LOVE football!) and poker of any kind. you can add playing rancher to the list if it qualifies as a hobby because i love that too.

jay-t 01-09-2005 10:19 PM

#1 artist blacksmith-- I enjoy the challenge of making things, tools, artsy things,and teaching how to blacksmith.
#2, antique tractors and stationary motors-- lots of fun ,researching the history and searching for parts,you meet lots of characters
#3, Wood working-- restore wagons and buggies

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