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skyler_m 10-22-2004 10:39 AM

A well needed change is coming...
As most of you know, my life over the last 9 years has mostly occurred with me living out of a suitcase 4 to 5 days out of the week. I have been looking for a new job for a while; however, I will finally have an offer letter waiting for me when I get home this evening.

The job is exactly what I've been looking for. I will get to see my wife and children just about every night (still about 10% travel, but it's much better than 95% travel!) and start to have the appearance of a "normal" life. (those of you that know me know that I am far from normal... and love it. :D)

I actually did some calculations last night. I have spent approximately 1400 nights in hotel rooms in the last 9 years. How sad is that????

I hope to start the new job in about 3 weeks. Now comes the interesting part. We are moving south. The job is in the Charlotte area (and leaving that damned snow blower behind). The wife and I are extremely excited about it. My 4 year old daughter isn't sure what's going on, but she knows that we will be getting a new house, she'll get to see daddy every night, and she gets to take all of her Barbie and Disney Princess stuff with her.

During the last 9 years, I have spent countless hours online in chat rooms and forums (Pixies is the best, by far). I always had a rule, though. I would not let the online stuff get in the way of my family. That's why I rarely have any posts on the weekends. I'm using that time to be with the family. With that, I doubt that you will see me around much after the next few weeks/months. I have dreamed about the time that I can spend the time strictly with my family and I am going to do just that. At least for a while. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to convince my wife to let me take pics of her one day. Then I'll introduce her to this wonderful site.

Sorry for the extremely long post. I've come to look at you guys as sort of an extended family. The ones who are there when I can't be with my wife and kids. I wanted you all to know what was going on with me.

Thank you for sharing yourselves with me and letting me share myself with you. This is a great community. I will miss it, but I have a feeling that other things will be occupying my time. :D


- Mike

dreamgurl 10-22-2004 10:45 AM

That is great news, I hope you guys have a safe trip there and that this only helps you.

skyler_m 10-22-2004 10:49 AM

thank you, dreamgurl. part of me will definitely miss the Buckeye state!

jseal 10-22-2004 10:50 AM


Congratulations sir! :wine:

I hope that everything goes well for you. You're certainly going to be doing a LOT in the next little while! Best of luck to you!

I'm sure no one at Pixies minds taking a back seat to your family.

Here's wishing you the best and hoping we'll see you again - and even perhaps more than you alone!


nikki1979 10-22-2004 10:51 AM

we will miss seeing u around , but i am so happy for u that u will be with ur family!!!!! ((((((HUGS)))))))) and good luck with that move!!!


osuche 10-22-2004 10:54 AM


Finding you was one of the best things that happened to me at Pixies. I am SO excited for you and your family ~ as someone who knows first hand how much being on the road physically, mentally, and even emotionally exhausts you.

I understand your need to spend more time with your family, and I wish you all the best. But if you don't check in with me every once in a while, I'm gonna hunt you down and hurt you. (and yes, I know you'd like it)

You will always have my love, my support, and my good wishes. Now hurry home and accept that offer!

skyler_m 10-22-2004 10:56 AM

thank you, nikki. ((((HUGS ya back))))

skyler_m 10-22-2004 11:08 AM

osuche - I feel the same way about you. It is truly amazing how well we get along. You are an amazing woman. Never let anyone tell you differently!

And yes, I would enjoy you hurting me. Maybe we could schedule that sometime. <cough>

I will be checking in every once in a while. I'll need to see what happens when the trees begin to bloom again. Recently I've become a great admirer of the changing leaves. ;)


flutelady 10-22-2004 11:12 AM

skyler_m, I think your news is fantastic! Huge congratulations on the new job and all that goes with it. I'm sure your wife and daughter are beyond thrilled. What a joy it will be to spend that precious time with your two little ones as they grow.

There is nothing better than a loving family... than knowing that everything you need is right there with you. I'm so happy that you're able now to enjoy that and to fully participate in it.

My very best wishes to you and your sweet family!!

OzKristin 10-22-2004 11:15 AM

awesome news, so happy for u darlin', still hope to keep touch here and there :) in any event, this is great and I'm delighted you've got what you've wanted after all this time, you deserve it

WildIrish 10-22-2004 11:20 AM


I am not here often on the weekends either. Mrs. WI knows I post here while at work, and she has taken some of my pictures. It's just not her bag. I spend time most Saturdays building with Habitat, and the rest of the nights and weekend with my family. When nothing's going on, I'll check in at the site.

I'm very lucky to have a job that enables me to post. I'd miss it and everyone here greatly and don't wish to contemplate how it'd impact my home life. You're an honorable man. For what it's worth...I commend you. And that's coming from a certified dumbass, so feel free to list it on your resume. :D Enjoy North Carolina. Visit the Blue Ridge mountains, they're beautiful. And keep in touch when you can.

skyler_m 10-22-2004 11:36 AM

flute lady - thank you very much. :D

Kristin - I'll definitely miss you... but I'll still be on Yahoo. I'm not going away for good. I'll still check on ya. Trust me. ;)

WI - wow. thank you very much... although I've labeled myself a dumbass on many occassions. There's a rather large group of us, I think. lol

Aqua 10-22-2004 11:44 AM

Wow, this is good news skyler! Your frequent presence will be missed, but in that you will be a happier man spending more time with his family, well, I am certainly happy to hear it. I am also glad to hear you'll check in from time to time. We are family here as you know, and a good family will always welcome back a member with joy when they come home.

Take care,

skyler_m 10-22-2004 11:50 AM

thanks, Aqua. that's very good to know. :D

osuche 10-22-2004 11:53 AM

Does this mean I have to act fast if I want to sex you up online???


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