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Steph 05-26-2004 03:14 PM

Barenaked Ladies; testing 123
It's hard to believe but they were actually banned from playing Toronto City Hall yet they are a part of my life.

Great Canadian band a la TMBG with socially relevant lyrics and a slight sexual bent. God love 'em!

Do you know and love them and is there a musician/band you go to for fun/relief/sexual ideas/philosophies?

CunningLinguist 05-26-2004 04:11 PM

I had no idea why anyone would want to ban Bare Naked Ladies?

I haven't even heard form them ina long while, but I do rmeeber them being a very fun band.

For fun I listen to whatever randomly pops up from my list of MP3's. We have thousand's of MP3's and while I do have them categorized by Artist, I gave up on trying to select what song I want to hear next.

For relief I listen to Phillip Glass.

For sexual ideas, I don't really listen to music, I jsut come to internet chat rooms or pop in porn :-P. Although, I like to play George Clinton to celebrate the end of a dry spell.

My philosophy on life ahs been shaped musiclaly by Rush, Dream Theater and Beethoven.

PantyFanatic 05-26-2004 09:12 PM

Why is it every time I see Steph's avatar I hear the theme from the Twilight Zone?

naughtyangel 05-26-2004 09:47 PM

Love the Barenaked Ladies! They haven't played here in years, though.

Great Big Sea's coming in August, can't wait to see them again :)

Steph 05-26-2004 10:50 PM

Originally posted by PantyFanatic
Why is it every time I see Steph's avatar I hear the theme from the Twilight Zone?

Because you're old and have tinninitus (sp.)?

naughtyangel 05-26-2004 11:22 PM

OMG. LMBO @ ^^^ that ^^^

musicman 05-27-2004 12:45 AM

and now BNL are playing a casino.....


sherlock 05-27-2004 04:01 AM

Don't post much really but this got my interest!!

Why exactly did they get banned from playing in Toronto?
They are Canadian aren't they?


Belial 05-27-2004 04:54 AM

In answer to your question, Steph, I'd say for philosophy, Tool, Atheist, Morbid Angel, Frank Zappa, and of course Bill Hicks, but not for his music, but he was a musician so he still counts :p

LixyChick 05-27-2004 04:59 AM

I like BNL! I'm with sherlock...why the ban Steph?

Though, you'd think "sherlock" would find this answer to be elementary...wouldn't you? LMFAO! Had to say that! BTW...hiya sherlock! Come'on out of hiding more often hun!

I'm still into Aerosmith for sexual inuendo and sex appeal and sex and sex and sex and sex and sex *with Steven*! (gone too far again?......naaaaaaaaaaa!)

P.S. Have you heard the new Van Halen single? Yuck with a capital YUCK! <----my personal opinion!

musicman 05-27-2004 07:24 AM

when BNL first started out, the then mayor of Toronto wasn't overly fond of their name and banned them from playing an event at toronto city hall.....

Lilith 05-27-2004 07:42 AM

Well can you picture the papers, " Bare Naked Ladies @ City Hall"?

scotzoidman 05-27-2004 10:02 AM

Yeh, the event was years ago, & it had something to do with some woman in the Mayor's Office thought their name was sexist & offensive...the band thought it was funny because they thought the name said more about them & their juvenile sense of humor than anything else...
I still think "Brian Wilson" is one of the most savagely funny songs I've ever heard...not to mention "If I Had A Million Dollars"

Steph 05-27-2004 10:41 AM

I wish they had banned that mayor from city hall!!!

A casino, musicman? Last I heard, they were touring with Alanis this summer.

speedy 05-27-2004 11:34 AM

I think the reason the may have been banned is the same reason they wont allow them to play the major arena in my hometown.I worked the better part of 2 years cleaning the arena after events and it took a week to get all the powder cheese from kraft out of the seating area.As for bands that influenced me Supertrampp and Pink Floyd.

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