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Sharni 03-27-2004 03:19 AM

~*Ask A Mod*~
Originally posted by Sharni
From a Mods point of view

If you have a bloody problem with something...for Gawds sake...let me know (or another MOD) I am easily accessible...i have MSN, Yahoo, Email and there is the PM feature....

I cannot try to help anyone if i dont know what the bloody problem is (i am not a mind reader)...The gossiping and bitching grapevine in the background will not solve the problem...and yes i know it goes on) am i that scary that you feel 'Retribution' will come if you tell me your complaints or probs...*shakes head*....that saddens me greatly....i've always tried to be approachable, fair and honest in all my responses and posts. I am after all your friend who just happens to be a Mod

Any complaints or problem is discussed at great length between all Mods (unless confidentality is requested) and all input is considered before any decision is made....None of us Mods made any decision lightly...no matter what you may believe

You are my family...and i love you all...and any decision made is honestly done to protect you

I know a few have been on about censorship...it's a moderated forum...its our job...we are trying to protect you...not spoil your fun or treat you like kids as some put it. If we think something is turning nasty(again discussion between all Mods)...rather than letting it turn into a full blown flame war we put a stop to it...end of discussion

Also threads may disappear...instead of assuming we've done it for the hell of it...ASK...you may not get full details....but we will try to explain it as best we can...You may not be satisfied with the answer you get...Please understand the as Mods, we are privvy to information that we cannot always share...but rest assured if a deletion happens it would have been for a good reason and definately NOT done for the hell of it or just because we can

The above gave me the idea to start this thread

The purpose of this thread is so that all can have a place to voice concerns...complaints or just plain queries

If anyone is not comfortable posting in open forum or the subject is of a personal nature...please feel free to use one of the other means in the quote above to contact me.

You will get a personal answer from me mostly....or from another Mod who feels they can assist you

Thank you....

Romial 03-27-2004 03:27 AM

Oh great Mod...

Can I tell someone to fuck off without feeling the wraith of god...I mean mod on me?

(Please don't hurt me Sharni! :D)

Sharni 03-27-2004 03:31 AM

LMAO....it will earn you the Wrath of a Mod (i know cause i've done it)

If said in jest and to a friend that knows it was meant that way then yep....

But (dreaded but again *LOL*) if meant with any sort of malice then no hun...ya can't

Romial 03-27-2004 03:42 AM

How about if I tell them they have a big forehead? Would that be too malice? :D

Sharni 03-27-2004 03:44 AM

*LOL*....that would depend on the context it was used

Romial 03-27-2004 03:47 AM

Hey you! Yeah you! You know what? You got a big forehead! Haha! Take that! :D

How's that?

Sharni 03-27-2004 03:49 AM

Well if ya feeling lucky....give it a go...i'm sure it'll get some sort of response :D

Got any other queries?

fzzy 03-27-2004 04:22 AM

Like the other Mods, I also am happy to be of whatever assistance I can, and proud to be associated with such a great group of Mods, and such a great group as Pixies people.

The easiest way to get hold of me is through the PM feature and sometimes it may take up to a day before you hear from me ... unfortunately I don't have ready access to the Web during the working day ..... but you will hear back from me as soon as I'm on the site next.

Teddy Bear 03-27-2004 05:52 AM

Who are all the Mods?

How did each of you get to be a Mod? What are the qualifications?

Do you all do the same thing or do you each take care of one area?

Can you give an example of something you would be "privvy" to that we are not, that could affect your decision on something.

Thank you :)

Sharni 03-27-2004 06:10 AM

1. Lilith, Dicksbro, fzzy, skipthisone & Sharni

2. We were asked...No we dont have qualifications...we are members like you

3 We all have our own area...except Lilith (she can go anywhere)

Sharni ~ Sex News, Amateur Pic Post
Dicksbro ~ Sex News, Sex Talk
fzzy ~ Sex News, Erotic Stories
skipthisone ~ Sex News, Erotic Stories
Lilith ~ Site News, Sex News, Sex Talk, Erotic Stories, Amateur Pic Post, Moderators

4. Privvy...a member may contact us and request their pics are removed for a private reason...we can only tell you they have been removed...not the reason why

Anytime :)

PantyFanatic 03-27-2004 10:36 AM

Can Lilith, fzzy & Sharni all work on something private with me.............. at the same time?:lust: :lust: :D :lust:

... and what web cam should I get?:rolleyes:

Lilith 03-27-2004 12:40 PM

After speaking with teddy about her questions in chat, she thought I should add something to the answer about the qualifications and selections of mods....

Kim and I selected the mods that we currently have for very specific reasons and chose them based on the way we were setting up the forums. Some general attributes of a good moderator are; availability, positive attitude, kindness, being helpful, being able to withstand criticism(thick skinned), fairness, being able to see the BIG picture, friendliness, creativity, good problem solving skills, willing to work hard for little thanks and no$$, and countless others. While there is no steadfast criteria for being selected and asked to help moderate the boards, there are definite things that would prevent someone from being asked. It is a position that entails confidentiality, professionalism, dependability, and loyalty so gossip mongers and shit stirrers would never be asked to help. The moderators have to work as a team even though they all have areas of expertise. So people who are not team players would not be chosen. Another main thing that would prevent someone from being a mod would be if they were decietful, disrespectful, or tried to fool members, being trustworthy is of utmost importance. And being computer literate enough to operate the board helps too.:D

If you have any other questions feel free to PM me. My box is always open;)

Teddy Bear 03-27-2004 01:05 PM

TY Lilith, very interesting.

Why do you, directed toward any and/or all of you, want to be a Mod?

What do you get out of it?

How much time, on average, do you put in as Mod per day or week?

Sugarsprinkles 03-27-2004 02:26 PM

Great thread, Sharni!!

Thanks for starting this thread!!

I don't have any questions right now, but that's only because teddy has asked them already. :D

Steph 03-27-2004 02:55 PM

We face the same "censorship" criticism on the site I work for. They agreed to the terms of use, 'nuff said!

Of course, this site would be nothing without the tireless work of our moderators. Go Team Mod!

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