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AdamR1978 03-10-2004 02:22 PM

Insert witty subject here...
Howdy! My name's Adam, I've been a member for a really long time, but I've always been too afraid to make myself known... but now, I decided, it's time to take the plunge.

So first, let me introduce meself.

I am gonna start with a fact: I'm diabetic. I know that that's a silly thing to start with, but in the past, it has caused many issues from me, so I thought it's better to start with the honest truth, my worst feature.

I'm 26, heterosexual male, born in Hungary, but I've lived in sunny London, UK for 13 years.

What else can I say about myself?

Professionally, I'm a teacher in a primary school here in London. Not exactly the career I had in mind for myself, but I love it very much. I even like the children... though they can be real little shits sometimes.

Socially... I am actually quite outgoing. I really like going to clubs, bars and pubs with friends (even though I am almost completely teetotal), but I also enjoy the more cultural things in life - music, theatre, good restaurants and travelling.

I am also someone who isn't at all athleticly minded (does that even MEAN anything?). However, I have recently signed up, and began training, to take part in a 10k charity run in may, so at least I'm trying.

I think I'm going to leave it there, cause this is probably the most boring introduction in the world, like, ever.

I'm going to post a picture of myself now - fully clothed - so that people can see what I'm like. It ain't pretty, sorry, but it's what I've been dealt by life.


AdamR1978 03-10-2004 02:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Damnit, I forgot the picture...

Lilith 03-10-2004 02:30 PM

Hey Adam....

I am diabetic too but am busting my ass to get off meds.

You are plenty handsome and I am glad you finally decided to post!

AdamR1978 03-10-2004 02:33 PM

Thank you. Sadly, I have no chance of ever coming off the meds - I have type 1, and it's really severe. I'm not on injections though, I'm on an insulin pump, which gives me much better control, though the disadvantage is that I have a needle in me body 24/7.


Teddy Bear 03-10-2004 09:35 PM

Nice to meet you. So glad you finally posted.
Hope we'll be seeing you on the boards regularly.

Your very handsome!! TY for the pic! :D :D

PantyFanatic 03-10-2004 11:54 PM

Welcome AdamR1978. :)
We always like to see one of the lurkers hope out of the bushes and become one of the viewees instead of just a viewer. ;) Having been with us for over a year, you’ve seen how much fun it is to post and I think you’ll be having a ball in no time.:D

I do want to thank you personally for taking up the call to your profession. The first step of any hope for the species is in your hands. That said, I look forward to kibitzing with you from here on.;)

AdamR1978 03-11-2004 12:59 AM

In all fairness, I never took up the call of my profession. What happened was that I was an unemployed drifter whose only talents in the world were fixing computers, setting them up, networking. So I had this friend in a school that needed some help, they called me (what can I say... I was cheap!) and I fixed all their problems. After that, I went in once a week, fixed everything... etc.

Eventually, I joined the staff full time. Then, and this is the part which I still don't understand how it came about, I was asked to take one class of special needs children a week. Which now has turned into 5 hours every day (apart from wednesday, which is my designated no-contact day...). Sad thing is though, that with all this teaching, I find it harder and harder to invest time and energy into the actual network.

My real problem though are the little shits - whlie some children are incredibly cute, I have had run ins with some real terrors. To name a few examples:
* 10 year old kid with kitchen knife
* 10 year old kid with loaded gun
* 5 year old kid kicking me in the privates when I stopped him from fighting
* 8 year old calling me a "fucking bitch, I'm going to kill you" when I sent him to the office for... you guessed it... swearing in class

and there's more.

Welcome to the wonderful world of teaching...

PantyFanatic 03-11-2004 01:17 AM

A lot of experiments are conducted to make every discovery. ;) The ones that fail teach us how to do it right.

GingerV 03-11-2004 04:02 AM

All that, and yet you're still teaching the little darlings....and even getting some joy out of it. You're one of the good guys Adam. Glad you came out of the woodwork!! Looking forward to seeing you around.

AdamR1978 03-11-2004 04:09 AM

You can't give up on children, you know? If the teachers give up hope on the little shits, what chances do they have in life? I tend to find (and this isn't a surprise to anyone, I'm sure) that the really bad kids usually have really bad parents, so teachers are their last line of hope.
For example, the 10 year old kid i mentioned - his sister is in a mental institution, his mother is pregnant by a man who beats her almost daily... we must never give up!


dicksbro 03-11-2004 04:16 AM

Hey, Adam, glad to have you with us and posting. Also a diabetic, although Type 2 and under control with medications

Hope to see you around.

Sharni 03-11-2004 06:08 AM

G'day Adam...just wanted to add my Welcome :)

Lovediva 03-11-2004 08:56 AM

You related to Irish? ;) :D :D
Is that witty enough for you? ;) :D

Welcome to Pixies Adam!! Nice to see a Lurker Finally post and join in the fun and family!! :)

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