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Lovediva 09-08-2003 10:54 AM

10 Little known facts about yourself....
Let's see...can you name 10 things that people don't know about you here and you are willing to finally share it? ;)

Are ya brave enough?

#1 for me would be.....I'm not as brave as you think I am!.......:D ;) Besides it's not always polite to be first!:p :D
*goes off to think about hers*:D

Lilith 09-08-2003 11:21 AM

1) I am brave.
2) I am not always polite.
3) I drink my coffee with cream and sugar (just in case someone needs to know;))
4) I do not eat onions willingly.
5) I have a child with Cerebral Palsy.
6) I was a cheerleader in highschool.
7) Being deceitful is my least favorite thing in a person.
8) I was classically trained in piano.
9) I dust my knick-knacks using the air canisters for electronic equipment ( I know I am killing the environment:spin: )
10) My real name is not Lilith ( although sometimes I forget that :p).

WildIrish 09-08-2003 11:38 AM

It's tough enough to come up with 10 things to say about myself, much less trying to say stuff that nobody else knows!

Here goes...

1 - I can cook. I mean, seriously.
2 - I ran track in high school and college.
3 - I record radio commercials.
4 - I didn't masturbate to orgasm until I was 18.
5 - I love the snow but hate the cold.
6 - I haven't ridden a bike in 15 years.
7 - I'm squeemish.
8 - When it comes to oral sex, I'd rather give than receive.
9 - I can remember phone numbers from 25 years ago, but will forget your name a minute after we're introduced.

and last but not least.....

10 - I can orgasm without ejaculating!

IAKaraokeGirl 09-08-2003 11:54 AM

1. I took Latin in high school.
2. I am trained in both piano and trombone, although I wanted to play the drums.
3. I was accepted to several law schools but did not attend.
4. I am both romantic and sentimental 125% of the time.
5. I often can't stand the feel of cotton.
6. I frequently ride in the passenger seat with my feet on the dashboard.
7. My dream trip is to Scotland.
8. I have two babies here and one in heaven I miss very much.
9. I would love to live in a big city...but love small towns, too.
10. I can speed read.

Lovediva 09-08-2003 11:59 AM

I. I am lactose intolerant.
2. I stole this question from another site.
3. I love eating raw garlic.
4. I do eat onion and cheese covered in mustard sandwhiches.
5. I always drive fast. 15 to 20 over the posted limit,all the time, if not more.
6. I smoke, wacky tabacky included, but not when driving! Otherwise I would go 50 under the posted limit!;) :D
7. I pee my pants quite often...laughter is the best medicine.:D
(Shit my pants as well...hence being.....lactose intolerant! :dizzy: )
8. I weigh 185 pounds and finally proud of it.
9. I am really scarred of spiders.
10. I do fake the "odd" orgasm.:eek::devil:

BlueSwede 09-08-2003 12:37 PM

1. I'm allergic to garlic (technically, have an adverse reaction to it), and one of my cat's names is Garlic.
2. My "hope chest" (a big filing cabinet) is crammed w/sex tips and how-tos for sex and keeping monogamous relationships forever "hot" (stuff I've been collecting for years), and I'm still hoping to finally put all that knowledge into practice w/SOMEbody. (Damned if I can find any takers.)
3. Inside, I'm still a wild, left-wing rebel from the 60s whose a fierce defender of the underdog.
4. I love anal sex but won't "do it" w/o first being sure I'm "cleaned out" first.
5. I was fluent in Russian and Chinese in my early twenties (sadly, not any more).
6. I'm always frustrated w/myself because I expect more of myself than I can ever deliver.
7. My ex-husband is black.
8. My ex has been the only man so far to bring me to orgasm via oral sex (damn it!), and that was over 12 yrs ago.
9. I can't sleep w/o having a noisy fan on at the same time.
10. I snore.

Aqua 09-08-2003 12:50 PM

1. I'm in the witness relocation program.
2. Classified
3. Classified
4. Classified
5. Classified
6. Classified
7. Classified
8. Classified
9. Classified
10. I lied about #1 :eek: :p

Eros 09-08-2003 01:07 PM


1. I was in the Air Force, but didn't finish my term.
2. I'm EXTREMELY shy in person.
3. I'm a comic book addict, but don't really have that many.
4. I refuse to eat anything green, except broccoli...not even salad.
5. I'm only predjudiced towards ignorance.
6. I'm amazed I've came up with this many things.
7. I'll buy books and never read them ,and rent movies and never watch them.
8. I've always wanted to visit Europe and Australia.
9. I prefer the mountians over the beach.
10. I can cook...pretty good as a matter of fact.

BlondeCurlGirl 09-08-2003 02:00 PM

1. I was named after a movie star. :D
2. My obsession is buying purses. I have one for every year I've been alive.
3. I love the idea of being with a "bad boy" since I've always been so good growing up. I also am majorly turned on by goatees.
4. I was once in German National Honor Society and now I can't remember much of the language.
5. I love turtles and rescued 2 from being road kill on a family trip to Kansas...they became my pets for several years.
6. I have a younger brother who annoys me a lot of the time...yet I can't imagine what life would be like without him.
7. I was the girl everyone picked on in elementary school, so I am pretty quiet and find it hard to trust people when I first meet them. But once I get to know you, that changes.
8. I can't do math to save my life...but I got one of the best possible scores in English and reading on the ACT.
9. I'm terribly ticklish.
10. Growing up, I wanted to become an Egyptologist. But once I found out how much I love to write, that went out the window.

osuche 09-08-2003 04:16 PM

1. I have a chemical engineering degree and I'm not at all gifted in either math or chemistry.
2. I am an extremely determined person and have accomplished many things through sheer will power.
3. I've had two fathers die on me (my biological father when I was 12 and my step-father when I was 24)
4. I was a swimmer and gymnast in high school, and also lettered in debate (my biggest accomplishment)
5. My S/O is from India
6. I am nothing like anyone else in my family -- and sometimes that makes me feel lonely
7. I can play 5 instruments (tuba, trombone, euphonium, french horn, and violin) and LOVE to play jazz trombone
8. I enjoy playing golf but I suck at it.
9. I've lost 60 lbs in the past 18 months and I LOVE my new body (25 more to go until I reach my college weight!)
10. I was sexually molested as a child and have spent many years getting comfortable with my sexuality (thanks fellow Pixonians!)

OK...can I get up off the couch now, Doc? :D :p :D

BlueSwede 09-08-2003 04:40 PM

I love everyone's list (smile). Eros and BCG, I too am shy (a real introvert), at least until you get to know me. I love shy people; usually still waters run deep (smile).

BCG, I can so identify w/the turtle rescue! My daughter and I, when we lived one summer near the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, spent many, many trips watching for turtles to rescue on the road that ran between those 2 rivers. I'd pull over, my daughter would jump out of the car to grab the turtle, then we'd drive closer to the Mississippi River and throw it in. It broke our hearts to see any of them hit.

osuche, I too am very different from everyone else in the family and have never quite fit in; it was and is at times very lonely. (They're mostly ESTJs; I'm an INFJ; and I'm the only Democrat in a sea of Republicans.) You sound very talented. It must be wonderful to be able to play so many instruments. As I always say, the only thing I can play is the radio.

Lovediva, I'll give you all my garlic (smile).

IAKG, I ALWAYS wanted to take Latin...still would love to. Like an idiot, I chose Russian (even though I did love it, too) in high school instead. Latin would have been much more useful.

WildIrish, I've always admired people who can cook. And I know what you mean about the snow and the cold; I always say the snow is just wasted if it is too cold to go out and play in it.

Lilith, how wonderful it must be to be brave! I know I am strong, but I don't think of myself as brave. I seem to be scared a good bit of the time.

I really am looking forward to more people's lists. I love to get to know everybody better (smile).

dm383 09-08-2003 05:31 PM

Here goes nothin'!!

1. I am Scottish, but both my parents are English (they can't help it, poor souls:))

2. I too am very shy in R/L... and I work as a Community-based Psychiatric Nurse ~ go figure!!

3. I have a daughter who will be 10 on halloween

4. I had a daughter who would have been 23 on the 28th of October (she died 6 years ago)

5. The first-ever girl I slept with, got pregnant (deliberatley) ... hence #4

6. It still rips me up inside when I think of it too much

7. I have been "in love" three times in my life.... this time, is the best!! :D

8. I was in the Parachute Regiment when I was younger.... got a medical discharge after I hit a tree, on my FOURTEENTH jump!! (lucky white heather, anyone?? :))

9. I haven't posted any "solo" pics on here yet (OK, so NOT a secret!! LOL!)

10. I'm posting this, as I have quite a number of OTHER posts, on my soon-to-be ex-wife's PC ....... baby-sitting the wee one!!!


IAKaraokeGirl 09-08-2003 05:39 PM

I so love this thread!

BlueSwede 09-08-2003 05:41 PM

DM, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter; my heart goes out to you.

Interesting how we can be shy in r/t yet be nurses. However, I love to be able to get close to my patients and their families. Most of them I get to know quite well because they are on my floor for a long time; the vast majority are terminally ill, and I see them and their families through it to the end.

Like many others here, I'm sure, I'd love to see a pix of you sometime. :) I'm sure the outside is as beautiful as the inside.

dm383 09-08-2003 06:10 PM

Thankyou, BlueSwede.... like I said, it still hurts (always will, I suppose) but I had some good friends around me when I found out, which helped more than I can ever tell them!

Regards being a nurse, it's not something I'd even considered til I was in my mid-twenties....... I liken it sometimes to being an actor, or a comedian; you put on your "professional self" almost like a suit....... and take it off again when you don't need it anymore! Has worked for me for 16 years now, and I'm still enjoying the job!!

Pix........ well, I'm working on it (getting BRAVE enough, I guess!!) One day......................


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