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MissX 12-13-2002 05:29 PM

Keeping the spark
MrX and I ain't been around for a while, work and selling flats got in the way and we are now happily shacking up together closer to both our works only now Im away from home one day a week and tend to leave before my honey in the morning and return home after him.

...the thing is, well I've been here before and work and general humdrum life take the edge outta things ('specially on the housework front-what do issue do you guys have about that?)what tips do you chaps have to keep the spark going?

I mean we're going great just now and I really want to keep MrX, well ideally on his own terms, but if I have to tie him up in the basement so be it...

PantyFanatic 12-13-2002 06:26 PM

You want sparks?

Maybe RandyGal will loan you the battery out of her Buick and the jumper cables.;)

MissX 12-13-2002 06:35 PM

LOL hey Im gaime for anything once, RandyGal you got those leads?

Irish 12-13-2002 06:37 PM

MissX---Maybe the two of you can make a video,together or indivdually;as an incentive,for when you're alone.Time spent together is better but at least the tape will come in"handy"! Irish
P.S.You can use RGs jumper cables WHILE you are watching it.

MissX 12-13-2002 06:56 PM

mm we have a video of us together, but I like individually idea, now to work out how to tempt MrX into going it "alone" on film. If I'm honest I'm scared of losing him 'cause of the hours my work demands....

So do you think the jumper cables are an online extra?

Grumble 12-13-2002 09:46 PM

Lovely to see you posting again Miss X.

I think that you are now with a different sort of man than you have been with previously. You just need to get your priorities in order better. Make some time for you both to spend quality time together regularly. Tell work that you have a personal life and that it needs to be nurtured to make you a happy camper all round. Suprise him with a candle light dinner, some spontaneuos love making, make him feel special, loved and wanted.

Knowing Mr X, he will be doing some things to make you feel the same. You two will make it together, I have the feeling in my bones. Love you both to bits.

Vigil 12-14-2002 01:09 AM


The unexpected does it for me.

I'm going to book a surprise weekend in Rome just after xmas. If you're working that hard you deserve it!

Lilith 12-14-2002 09:43 AM

Oh Vigil......that surprise is for me right?????;)

MissX~ I say just do little things to seduce him.... put a note with his things going to the office describing how you want to please him later...be specific. Make sure he gets sexy glimpses of you through out the time you are together, make a show of it. Praise him for the little things he does that you like.........it will increase the chance of it happening again! I know you can find exciting ways to keep things interesting, and if the battery cables don't work I have a whip I can loan ya!!!:p

Vigil 12-15-2002 12:48 PM

Lil darling - I had Transylvania in the spring lined up for us!

RandyGal 12-16-2002 12:39 AM

Hey hey HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY don't be bringing up MY name in this here thread.

I have YET to find a way to produce sparks...unless you consider every damn time I scootch my feet across the carpet and touch something...if yer talking THOSE sparks then I got plenty to share. :D

As far as sharing my jumper cables...well........nooooooooo those are under the heading "Personal Body Massage Aids - do NOT share with your fellow passengers"


PantyFanatic 12-16-2002 01:05 AM


RandyGal 12-16-2002 04:36 AM

pantyfanatic, I'd SOOOOOOOOOOOOoo much rather you were laughing your ass off WITH rg...not @ rg!

Seems much more pleasant to me to be laughed WITH and not AT! :p ;) :D

MissX 12-16-2002 06:02 PM

Thanks folks, so let me see if I've got this, Vigil...surprise him...mmm Christmas shopping will have to include some lingerie and ties then....Grumble, I know I do have to get the work thing checked :x, Lilith that offer of a whip sounds very tempting...do you think he would like it? :D

RG I'll have to ask Santa for my own set of leads!

Vigil 12-17-2002 01:36 AM

Why wait for Christmas?

www.adultszone.co.uk has a great starter pack in the bondage section.

I once tied up a lover and had my wicked way, then left her tied up whilst I had breakfast with friends. Returned for second helpings and halfway through realised that she had freed herself, but was still pretending to be bound.

Oh the Joy!

Wildeye 12-17-2002 03:29 PM


Spark - doggy while being smacked sounds pretty hot to me!!

Lil's right - glimpses of leg, low top or a button undone to show the edge of a bra or even a quick flash of knicker or stocking tops wow!!

Or wild sex, when he is not ready a quick blow-job, or take of your panties and put your fanny in his face, or a sexy love letter thru the post, or a cd of love-songs or take him to a sex shop or underwear buying - men love this one.

Good luck


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