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faerie_princess 07-13-2008 09:59 PM

Poly talk
Hello everyone. Lovely evening. I think it is anyway.

Just a random question.

Are any of you out there in a polyamorous relationship?

BamaKyttn 07-14-2008 01:16 AM

I am not currently involved in a poly relationship, my dearest Lord Snow doesn't share. Its cute. but I've been invited by one current pixie man and one ex pixie man to join as either a relationship participant or to be the Mr.'s lover in an open marriage ( with talk of myself and the Mrs.'s lover having our own rooms in their house no less.) while both ideas are intriguing I'm currently happy where I am, besides it's not like their offers will expire and I'm sure with my track record Lord Snow and I won't last forever.


gekkogecko 07-14-2008 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by faerie_princess
Are any of you out there in a polyamorous relationship?

No, I'm in two polyamorous relationships, and one monoamorous relationship.

AZRedHot 07-14-2008 09:58 PM

I was actively polyamorous until my lover passed away two years ago. Now I'm still polyamorous, in that I love two men. Just one of them isn't here in body anymore, so as far as it looks to the world, I am in a monogamous marriage.

WildIrish 07-22-2008 09:15 PM

I am, and I must admit that there is nothing quite as natural feeling as this. I wouldn't trade one minute of it for all the tea in China.

Oops, sorry...I thought you said "Dolly-amorous relationship". My bad. :roflmao:

scotzoidman 07-22-2008 11:21 PM

Kinda like gg here, I'm quite polyamorous, but the relationship that matters is strictly monogamous... :shrug:

AZRedHot 07-23-2008 12:22 AM

I take it you're making the point that you, personally, are poly but not in practice? I think that's a good point.

faerie_princess 07-23-2008 12:50 PM

Here's a bit of my story:

So I recently find myself dating a guy who is poly. He was straight up with it when we met. He's not one to beat around the bush. But anyway, so we still are dating and I've met his SO (they're getting married v soon and they've been together for about 2 years now) and she's also poly and OK with him seeing me as well.


I think I'm being paraniod and kind of lame about it. Perhaps its because it's a newish(4 months) relationship and I'm not very good at sharing. I've talked to them both about it, since it does involve them both; and they understand my apprehension about my being in a relationship with him (and with her to a certain extent).

So I have to wonder, did anyone else feel discombobulated and confused about it all when first finding yourself in a poly situation?

(And I'm also wondering if any of what I wrote made any sense.... lol)

gekkogecko 07-24-2008 09:52 AM

It made a lot of sense.

Basically, you're new to this whole poly thing, and unsure about what it means for you, and how to deal with it and all that.

In dealing with a polyamorous relationship, communication with the people concerned is even more important than in a monoamorous relationship. Since you've been doing that, the best advice I have for you is to continue what you've been doing. That's the only way you're going to find out whether the whole issue of polyamory is for you, and if it is, whether or not *this* particular poly relationship is for you.

Way to go.

Jude30 07-24-2008 06:44 PM

Tristan Taormino has a new book on the subject.

Opening Up

She's a very good author when it comes to sex advice. So you may want to check it out.

citrus 08-27-2008 08:31 PM

Also, read, have deeper conversations. Look here http://www.polyamory.org/ check out the FAQ.

Cjack 10-24-2008 11:21 AM

My Poly experience is all sexual when I shared my wife with other men. It was exciting and I always dreamed of her having another lover that would stop by anytime day or night to use her. Wen even talked about it but we couldn't find the right man. She was all for it back then.

citrus 10-26-2008 02:37 AM

I was in a love :3way: tri- quadr- angle in my twenties. The term 'Polyamory' wasn't coined then. Being poly is not an easy life of free loving. It's a decision to be transparent, utterly honest, open, trusting, trustworthy, and many hundreds of other character strengths and most certainly among the more important traits is RESPECT. Complete and unconditional. Goto the polyamory site and read about how to fuck up a relationship. It's correct in about every way.
HAVE FUN and be loving!!! :grope:

Oldfart 10-26-2008 05:51 AM

No, I'm not big on sharing, and neither is she.

citrus 04-19-2009 08:19 AM

Recently a new thread asks for our fantasies. Polyamory is not something that can work in fantasy. It's completely serious in its value as a total immersion of life and its capabilities. Many fantasies can be borne upon the poly lifestyle. However, the reality of hearts, love, truths and relation building trumps anything my sensuality based thoughts could conjure.

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