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Scorp 01-27-2004 05:27 AM

totally random question
well not really.

so there are very very few things in my life that i would consider myself to be 'anal'. but heres one thing that always struck me as its the 'right' way to do it, and the other way is wrong.

ok. don't laugh too hard but it makes sense to me.

when putting toilet paper on the bar, i for some reason have to have it so that the tissue to be used is in front of the roll. if i ever am in a bathroom and its the other way around, i would change it.

you think that me being a guy it shoudlnt' really matter since i don't use toilet paper as often, but its just one of those things. i had a roomate once who always did it the other way. i kept changing it to the right way. i wonder if she thought the same as i only in reverse.

yes its 2:30 in the morning, and no i'm not drunk. i just put in a new roll of toilet paper in the guest bathroom since i was cleaning up a bit. why clean this late... trying to put myself to sleep.

anyone relate to this, have weird anal tendencies? please share!

dicksbro 01-27-2004 05:32 AM

I've heard this discussion before and someplace, just recently I think, I read the first bit of discussion that really made sense. They suggested a patterened roll of toilet paper and see which way the pattern is printed. You'd want it to roll of "upside right." I haven't verified it, but they suggested that was where the paper came off at the front of the roll.

Some people are so clever.

Scorp 01-27-2004 05:40 AM

damn db, you must be using some high class tp. i'm lucky to have double ply. ;)

LixyChick 01-27-2004 05:50 AM

Yep! This has perplexed man and woman since we figured out where to hang it! Uh Scorp? How many squares do you use? LOL! Nevermind...that'd be TMI!

I'm an "over the top" kinda girl.....and wouldn't ya just know it.....Mr. Lixy LOVES to drive me crazy so he always does everything opposite of me....but I change it as soon as I discover the error! I just feel like I have better control over how much comes off the roll when it's over the top.......pattern be damned!

Sooooooo........speaking of anal. Oh wait.....wrong forum! Carry on!

thereIam 01-27-2004 05:55 AM

Oh. You mean you supposed to hang it up? Hmmm....

Scorp 01-27-2004 06:02 AM

i use 1 square. j/k of course as much as it takes! i'm not anal to the point i have to count a certain amount out! just that it has to be properly placed before i use it. even if its to blow my nose. :P

White Noise 01-27-2004 06:11 AM

It has to go overhand - why are we even discussing it?

Clearly it is overhand.

No, I'm not anal!! *LOL*

Lilith 01-27-2004 06:48 AM

I have a mixed marriage:D He's an 'over' and I'm a 'leave it sitting on the counter til he hangs it up':p

skipthisone 01-27-2004 08:00 AM

Back when I had a cat, she couldnt roll it all out if you put it "under"...and who am I to stop play time.

Aqua 01-27-2004 03:16 PM

The Mrs will always load it 'under' and I will always change it to 'over'. That's just the way it has to be.

Now... what's all this talk about anal? :D

Scorp 01-27-2004 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Lilith
I have a mixed marriage:D He's an 'over' and I'm a 'leave it sitting on the counter til he hangs it up':p

omg lil, you totally reminded me of yet another roomate i once lived with. she would

1) never hang up the tp

2) use a whole friggin roll in about 2 days.

i had to start bringing my own in just becuase she used them up so fast and never bought more. i told her to buy more and she just ended up taking them from our other roomates rooms. i stashed it close to my laundry, figuring she would never venture there. but if i ever forgot to bring the roll back with me, i'd just see a naked roll lying on the counter next i went to the bathroom!!

WildIrish 01-27-2004 03:23 PM

For years, I insisted on it being hung 'over' while Mrs. WI insisted it was stupid of me to insist anything and that I wasted too many brain cells even discussing it. Then we had kids, and I discovered that hanging it correctly (over) enabled them to unroll the entire tube onto the floor with greater ease. It's been hung incorrectly ever since.

LixyChick 01-27-2004 05:03 PM

OMG Scorp! WTF did that roommate use all the TP on? I'm imagining all kinds of things over here!!!! Most of um, I go ewwwwww to!

Scorp 01-27-2004 06:16 PM

i never asked, nor did i care. i think she used it all on how she put her make up. qtips were fast to go as well.

musketeer 01-27-2004 07:14 PM

I prefur the under/behind method. I don't know why for certain, but I tend to think it looks neater.

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